Stephen Strange [Fluff]

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The Will Graham chapters should be up soon. Hopefully I'll be able to post more regularly since finals are done :) 

Admiration/attractive =what do they find attractive/what do they adore about you?

He admires how understanding you are of other people. When he talks to you, you actually listen. You're there for people when they need to vent, and he can tell you genuinely don't judge.

Bond =how quickly did they bond with you/how quickly did they get a crush?

You two ended up forming a deep bond quicker than either of you expected. Something about you just drew him in.

You became very close after about 4 months, and Stephen realized he had fallen in love with you after about a year. Though, he likes to say he always knew, and let you in on purpose. 

Cuddle =how do they like to cuddle & how frequently?

He's much cuddlier than he lets people think. 

Sure, he won't cuddle you in front of other people often, but he likes being close to you, or pressed up against you. He usually sleeps better when there's that pressure against him. If it's not a person, he'll use a pillow to either wrap his arms around, or for it to just be there next to him.

He's also secretly a little spoon. Sure, as much as he loves holding you while you're laying on his chest, or being the one cuddling you—he also likes it when you wrap your arms around him. his back to you, your arms against his chest, it makes him feel secure. 

Dysphoria =how do they respond to you being dysphoric?

He can tell when you're having an "off" day. When this happens, he tries to do as much for you as he can to take the pressure off of you. He brings you tea, or another drink you find comforting, and will sit in the same proximity as you quietly. He won't force you to talk about it, but he's there if you need to. If you're out in public, he'll ask if you want to leave, and will just portal the two of you back to your room without giving any reason as to why you're leaving. 

Emotions =how do they express emotions around you?

While he's not too different around you when expressing emotions, you definitely get to see a softer, more playful side of him. He also smiles and laughs more easily when you're around. 

Fight =are they easy to forgive you? How are they fighting?

He can be pretty stubborn. It's difficult for him to admit that he was wrong—especially if you're expecting him to do it first. You're the first to apologize in most cases, and it'd have to be a pretty bad split-up, or he'd have to be extra worried that you'll leave for him to apologize first.

If he snaps, or said something in the moment out of line (that doesn't become an entire fight), he'll apologize for overreacting. 

Gratitude =are they grateful in general/are they aware of you doing things for them?

He's very aware of when you do things for him. Even if you see them as little things, or if others will see them as unimportant. 

It usually feels like the weight of the world is on his shoulders—he takes care of so many people, and has so many responsibilities that it's extremely obvious to him when you do something for him. 

He's not usually forthcoming with his emotions, but he tries to thank you. 

Holding hands =how & when do they like holding hands?

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