Who Is He, Really? ||Stanford Pines||

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Stan was the only one who knew why you showed up at the Mystery Shack occasionally. Unannounced. Everyone else was left to speculate—and when there were no other real mysteries around at times—speculating was fun. 

Soos usually came up with stories about how a long time ago you built this shack, and created it's early attractions before eventually selling it to Stan. And that sometimes you would show up to see how well it was doing. Essentially, he believed that you were the mastermind behind the whole operation. 

Wendy's stories were similar, but instead she said that you were Stan's boss and would come by to make sure he wasn't messing anything up. 

Mabel didn't think it was nearly anything as serious—especially not when she saw how Stan acted so casually around you—as though the two of you have known each other for a long time. She thought that you were some kind of traveling businessman who dropped by every once in a while to make sure Stan wasn't too lonely. 

Dipper thought that it ran deeper—he changed his theory nearly every time he saw you. There was always something new to note to the outside observer—though, to be fair, no one found the question of who you were nearly as interesting as Dipper did. 

Sometimes you would leave upset—having arguments with Stan. No one could hear words, but they heard your raised voices. Other times, your interactions with Stan were perfectly fine—he would joke with you, and you were able to serve his jabs right back to him. 

You didn't come by often, but everyone at the Shack seemed to like you well enough. Stan didn't say much about you, and always dismissed you as being a 'nobody' when anyone asked about you. But you took an interest in science, and Dipper's mysteries—agreeing that the whole Shack was a sham and could be doing better. You seemed to know the Journals like the back of your hand, and you knew the forests surrounding Gravity Falls even better. 

You could get them out of almost any situation when you were around—and Stan would tell you you were being a bad example if you were the one who had to drop the kids back off. You would only laugh and let him know he had no room to talk. Whatever that meant. 

The revelation of who you were was unexpected. Then again, everything about that day was unexpected.

Several hours after Ford showed up through the portal, and it was revealed that Stan had a secret twin, you showed up. At first, you started shouting at Stan—apparently you had known how dangerous it had been. You were furious. Furious that he would risk the universe like that. Furious that he would risk the childrens' lives. Furious that he hadn't run it by you before doing it.

No one could stop your accusations—your sharp words and the icy glare that accompanied them.

In fact, the only thing that instantly put a stop to your shouting was your name. More specifically Ford's voice saying your voice.

You froze at the voice, your posture stiffening. He said your name again.

"It's me. I'm back."

You turned around slowly, looking at him for a moment, before you approached him, and instantly wrapped him in a constricting hug.

"I missed you." Your voice was a whisper—barely heard by the few onlookers. Ford's hand reached the nape of your neck, holding you flush against his chest.

"I missed you, too."

"I didn't think you were coming back." You admitted.

"I didn't think I was, either. But I'm here now. There's a lot of work we need to get done."

You nodded gravely.

"I...I suspect you'll be joining me. Unless you have other matters to attend to?"

You smirked at him. "Of course I will. We made a promise, remember?"

"How could I forget?"  

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