How Marvel Characters Would React to You Being Deadnamed [Part 1]

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Tw for entire chapter: being deadnamed 
Please read the beginning of each character for individual warnings. 

D/n= deadname 
L/n= last name 

Relationship with characters: romantic/partners 

Tony Stark
Additional warnings: toxic ex, being touched without permission, transphobic remarks & she/her pronouns  

Tony had insisted on dragging you along to one of his parties. They weren't awful—there were always people you knew other than him, whether it was on of his staff, or the Avengers. But today you didn't want to go because your ex was going to be there. They weren't the biggest fish in the sea, and weren't nearly as successful as Tony, but they occasionally got invited to events with pretty important people. 

When you told Tony, you thought that'd be enough for him to let you stay on the Avenger's private floors. You hoped that at least he would get jealous enough to have your ex banned. But he did no such thing—he said it'd be fun, and he trusted you enough to be around your ex. 

It wasn't very fun. You ended up in a circle of people talking about...well whatever it was, it was something you weren't very interested in. 

You lost Tony to the crowd. You weren't entirely sure what this party was for, but you knew he was off welcoming guests, and likely trying to coax Bruce into staying a while longer and meeting someone. 

Apparently, your disinterest was apparent, because your ex approached you. 

"Been a while, hasn't it?" 

You jumped at the voice, and spun around. 

"Daydreaming?" Your ex chuckled. 

"Not really." You shook your head. 

"Hmm, too bad. That may get rid of some of the boredom." 

"I'm not bored." You defended—you didn't want them thinking that maybe you weren't enjoying being Tony's partner. 

They chuckled. "Sweetie, we may not have been together for that long, but I can tell when you're bored. Come on. Let's go." 

They grabbed your arm gently, and started guiding you through the crowd before you could react. 

You stopped, and jerked your arm back. 

"Don't touch me." You growled. 

"Oh, come on. Please? I just want to talk." 

"I will get you kicked out if you don't leave me alone." You warned, turning away. 

They scoffed. "Yeah, right. Like you have the authority to do that." 

You knew you shouldn't have taken the bait, but you did. You turned back around. "I do, and my boyfriend definitely does." 

"Like anyone would date you after you did this," They gestured to you up and down. "Come on, d/n. You know you're just playing dress-up." 

"Is there a problem here?" Tony asked, wrapping his arm around his waist. 

Your ex blinked, before sneering at you. "Oh, I see how it is. She became a gold-digger." 

Tony cocked his head. "Do you need to see a doctor? I know a very good neurosurgeon, I'm sure he'd be willing to see you if you're experiencing confusion. Of course, he hasn't practiced in a few years, but I'm sure he'd be willing to see if you have some rare disease in the name of science." 


Tony tutted, and turned to you. "It's too late. And here I was thinking I didn't need to invite Dumbledore." 

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