Summer Heat ||Will Graham||

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It was a particularly hot night in July, and as much as you loved your partner, it wasn't helping that you had to share a room with him and his numerous dogs. Only a particularly stubborn one remained on the bed, until it eventually got down—off to search for a cooler place to sleep on the floor like the rest of its companions. You could hear them all panting—all adding to the humidity and stuffiness of the room. 

A fan was turned on, but it only gave a scarce amount of relief from the heat. You found yourself tossing and turning, kicking the blankets away until only the bare minimum remained. You took your shirt off, and for what was likely past the thousandth time, you were happy you got top surgery. 

Will was laying next to you—twitching unhappily, and burritoed in a drenched sheet as he slept in a pool of his own sweat. 

The rain outside almost sounded promising—you had opened the window earlier, both for the fresh air, and because you hoped the sound of rain would help lull you to sleep. You had to maneuver around several sprawled out dogs to ever reach the window, so as the soft rain started pouring down, and thunder began to roll, you decided it wasn't worth it to close the window, and potentially step on, or trip over a dog. 

The thunder was low, and slow at first. You couldn't even see a flash before it lazily groaned—comfortably, and quietly accompanying the rain. But, just as the night was drawing on seemingly forever, the storm was certainty drawing closer and closer. 

The sound of thunder was beginning to line up with the flashed of lightning, when a bright flash was accompanied by a loud snap right on top of it. You saw several dogs jolt awake, making a soft 'boof' sound in response. It also caused the sleeping man beside you to wake with a start. 

He sat up, breathing heavily. The dogs who awoke looked back, and decided to stand, upon seeing their owner was awake. 

"What was that?" Will panted, looking around. 

"It was just thunder." You shushed, inching closer to him to wrap your arms around his lap. He nodded absently, and looked around. He made eye contact with one of the older dogs that was still laying down, but got up when she met Will's eyes. She got up and made her way over to him. He reached out his palm for her to put her nose to, only for some of the younger dogs to hurry over to him and push her out of the way. 

He sighed as he watched his dogs, trying to give a few the attention they sought while also trying to calm them down. 

Another loud burst of thunder shook the house, accompanied by a bright flash of lightning. Something about it made Will inhale sharply, and close his eyes. You watched him carefully—you knew that sometimes it seemed like random things were setting him off recently, but you loved him all the same. 

"It's okay." You murmured, still looking up at him as he released a shaky exhale. You started drawing random patterns on his thigh—the rain was whipping against the windows and the walls, and another rumble of thunder made the house vibrate. Will closed his eyes tightly and took several heavy breaths. 

"Lay down." You said softly, dragging your finger along a circular pattern. Will nodded, and shifted to lay down next to you. You lifted your arm, and let him him sink down into bed and snuggle into your chest—his body facing yours. "Focus on something else." 

The words you spoke were meant for him, but you closed your eyes, and tried to ignore the heat—you could ignore the sweat building up where he was touching you, and the heat rising in your cheeks. You just had to focus on something else—the rhythmic breathing of the dogs as they steadily fell back asleep, the pattering of the rain against the house...him calming down to your touch. 

You felt him kiss one of the scars on your chest before nuzzling deeper into you. You felt him tense up at another boom of thunder, but you felt him relax once more once you began slowly rubbing his back. You reached down to kiss his forehead, and he gave a small hum. You heard a small snore rising from his chest after he fell asleep. 

Even if he didn't know it, you would at least be satisfied knowing you refused to move despite the heat. 

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