Being In A T4T Relationship With Them [Headcanons] [Sherlock]

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Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!

Decided to try something a little different writing wise, since there aren't many t4t (trans-for-trans) stories out there.

I'm currently working on some chapters for other characters/fandoms, so those will be out later (I'm doing one for Will Graham, but idk if I should add anyone else from if you have any ideas for that, feel free to comment).

Take care of yourselves—take a break, drink some water, do what you need.

Warning for mentions of dysphoria, incorrect binding, mentions of not binding, mentions of transphobia

Agender, he/him

○Pronouns don't usually matter to him—he believes gender is simply a social construct, and finds it difficult to believe it matters to people so much

○This being said, though, he is used to people calling him 'freak', and not seeing him as human, so he doesn't let many people use it/its pronouns to refer to him—especially when he can't tell their intentions, or can tell they're bad

○He likes neopronouns though. He sees it as someone finally getting creative

○He's one of those people who isn't really bothered by people trying to misgender him (again, his gender isn't really a thing, and since he doesn't tell people what his gender assigned at birth was, it's difficult for people to correctly insult him). Of course he has his days where it bothers him, but it usually just makes him spiral into a depression or a mental breakdown

○But for you, on the other hand—oh, nobody is allowed to insult you. Even if your gender isn't binary like his, he will shoot scalding insults towards the person who tried to insult you

○God help them if they upset you, because he knows how to get away with murder to the detail

○He's not always the best at reminding you to take breaks and such—seeing as he frequently tunes out the rest of the world so that he can focus on cases or experiments. But he will not hesitate to wake you up to tell you to take it off (hey, at least he's not just doing it while you sleep, he learned his lesson from the first time)

○He's really supportive of anything you might want to do transition-wise. Even if you only want your haircut, he'll be honest about what he thinks will look good on you, and what won't

○He doesn't get dysphoria a whole lot, so when you first get it bad, he improvises. He compliments you on your shoulders being wide, or your haircut being nice. He tries to remind you that he sees you for the person you are, and the way other people see you, or the way you were born had nothing to do with that

Ftm, he/him

○John is actually very serious about binding breaks. This is partially because he's stealth (he likes having cishet-passing privileges, they aren't leaving without a fight), and he thinks that if he suddenly had serious back pain, or broken/warped ribs, it would be suspicious, and he would be forced to out himself

○He becomes comfortable not binding around you very quickly

○So he texts you or calls you a lot throughout the day to remind you. On a few occasions, you've even gotten calls from a bored Sherlock telling you the timer on John's phone said he needed to remind you of something

○If you like hoodies, he'll surprise you by bringing hoodies home for you—especially if he was away on a case for a long time. But sometimes he'll just see one in a shop, and buy it for you

○He doesn't really feel like he has the time to get any surgeries, but he'll help you with any goals you have in mind. Unfortunately, he's a bit too nice, so he's not always the most honest, but he makes it up by giving you endless support

○Somehow, whenever your dysphoria gets bad, his does, too. The two of you will just spend a long time in bed unless it's absolutely necessary for one of you to get up. He'll bring in snacks, and the two of you will watch movies on his laptop and just hope it goes away

○A lot of times when you come home from work, the two of you will just sit on the sofa with your shirts off, just wearing your binders because you no longer have to present a certain way or care about how other people see you

Ftm, he/him

○Mycroft's masculinity was carefully crafted—preened to the point of precision. His suits were always crisp and proper—his thinning hair slicked back, his back straight which his chest puffed in an assertion of dominance—his hands pudgy to make them seem bigger than they were before

○He's gotten to the point where he's happy in his transition, and very confident—he takes pride in everything he has fought for

○But for you—he doesn't think you should need to fight

○He likes to tell you that you don't owe anyone proving your identity. To be fair though, this comes from a place of privilege—he's gotten to the point where people sometimes expect him to prove that he's trans and the like

○Out of all his partners—being with you has made him realize he much prefers being with someone who is also trans. He's so used to being around people who don't understand (or, again, people who want him to "prove" it), that you just accepting him was like a breath of fresh air

○He's very supportive of anything you want to do—if you're new to everything, or recently out, he'll give you advice or tell make sure you have resources for things

○He's not the most comforting person though—he never really knew what to do with his dysphoria except fight through it. Then again, he was doing everything alone. So when you're dysphoria gets so bad it impacts the things you do, he just tries to be there for you

○He just gets you things, and hopes that's good enough. He reminds you that he sees you as the way you are, and that nothing will change that. If you cry, you're one of the only people who he allows to hug him while you cries

Gender flux, he/they/it/neos

○Doesn't really think gender is important—since his gender seems to fluctuate so much, he just thinks it's tedious and unnecessary

○Being with cis people is also tedious for him, seeing as he has to explain everything

○Being with you, however, everything seems to click. Being with someone else who is trans hadn't even occurred to him before—and even though he's dedicated to you, it makes much more sense now

○He is very open about his identity, but allows you to be more secretive about yours. If anyone tries to blackmail you with the fact that your trans—they won't be around much longer once he gets his hands on them

○There isn't very much that gives him dysphoria—only a few things that give him euphoria—but he still knows how to pamper you, and sprinkles you with compliments. He always treats you like a king when you feel dysphoric, and even continues treating you like one when you actually feel like one. You deserve it

Disclaimer: not all of these are my personal headcanons—and are simply me playing around with concepts/ideas because there is so little t4t in media. Some of these headcanons may not reappear unless otherwise requested.

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