Nonesense ||Sherlock x Reader x John||

808 38 25

Cw: mentions of surgery & hospitals (everything is kept vague)

Requested by: randomaccount736


"Sherlock! Sherlock! Sit down!" John whisper-yelled at the tall man pacing around the hospital waiting room.

Sherlock cast him an irritated look before huffing and sitting down.

"Don't look at me like that. I've told you we can leave the hospital hundreds of times. Besides, he's supposed to be getting out soon."

"Not if something goes wrong."

John sighed. "For the last time Sherlock, it'll be fine."

Sherlock gave a frustrated groan. He rested his elbows on his knees, and dug is fingers into his curly hair.

John rubbed his back. "It'll be fine."

Sherlock grumbled something unintelligible to his knees. John shook his head slightly, but kept rubbing his back.

The next ten minutes felt like torture to Sherlock—he tried getting up again, but John pulled him back into his seat by his shirt sleeve—once the surgeon appeared in the doorway, Sherlock sprung up.

"Is he okay?" Sherlock asked, rushing towards the doctor.

The surgeon nodded. "He's fine, we're just going to monitor him for a bit, before he's able to go home."

"When will that be?"

"Sherlock." John warned, before casting them an apologetic look.

The surgeon chuckled, before addressing John. "It's fine, it varies from patient to patient. But everything went well during surgery, so hopefully it won't be too long."

John nodded, and gave a smile—he was more easily swayed, as he knew a bit more about the procedure than Sherlock, who nodded hesitantly at the surgeon's words.

They were allowed to see you shortly after the interaction, Sherlock was the first one in the door.

"Sherlock! Hey!" You exclaimed when you saw him.

He rushed over to your side.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

You gasped. "Sherlock! Your hair!"

Sherlock looked concerned. "What is it?"

"It's fluffy!"

"I—I know...John?"

John, who had decided to stand behind Sherlock, chuckled.

"It's normal."

Sherlock made a face. "Not for me, it isn't."

John rolled his eyes.

"Sherlock?" You tugged on him a bit.

He turned his attention back to you.

"Who is he?" You whispered, though you were loud enough for John to hear.

"Our boyfriend."

You gaped at him, wide eyed. "He's my boyfriend?"

"Our boyfriend."

You shook your head. "No, you just said he's my boyfriend. He can't be your boyfriend, too."

"And why not?"

"Because it's not fair."



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