Mr. Barker ||Peter Parker x Stark reader||

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The snow was starting to fall heavily and quickly, meaning you and Peter were heading home early from ice skating. Ever since winter break started, you and Peter had spent nearly every day ice skating. You would leave late in the morning, and return home about an hour or so before sunset—him back to his apartment, you back to Stark tower. Sometimes he would spend the night.

You would usually be sore the next morning, even though the two of you would take breaks for hot chocolate and food, sometimes you forgot to take breaks, and it was all you could do to walk the several blocks back to the tower.

But now, it was noon, and you knew you should head home before it started to snow more, and your dad got worried about you being out in this weather.

You were a block away from home—it stuck out, and was lit up brighter than a christmas tree. Your dad really decided to go all-out with the lights, and it was like a beacon, even in cloudy weather like this. You and Peter had to trudge through the snow to get through it at this point, when you heard a sound coming from the alleyway next to you. Peter froze.

"Did you hear that?" He asked.

"I—I think so, yeah." You whispered, peering into the alleyway—it didn't look like anyone was down there. It didn't have any good shelter, or any good places to sit, so there weren't usually homeless people down this particular alleyway.

" think it'll be fine if we see what it was?"

"Probably." You answered.

"Okay, stay behind me." He whispered, slowly walking towards the sound. You looked behind you to make sure no one had been waiting for you to go into the alleyway or anything. You realized that two trans kids—one being the son of Tony Stark—really shouldn't be going into an alleyway in what looked like the beginnings of a winter storm, but you followed Peter nonetheless, and couldn't help feeling safe with him.

Silence fell between the two of you. A few moments later, you heard the noise again, and Peter jumped.

You laughed, and walked towards the box it was coming from.

"Don't go near that! It could be dangerous!" Peter whisper-shouted.

You waved the comment away, and lifted the already open lid of the box. You gasped a little at seeing the golden wad of fur in there, and picked it up carefully. It was shivering, and barely fought against your grasp.

"Is that a puppy?"

"No, it's an extremely dangerous entity." Without really thinking, you took your coat off, and wrapped it around the puppy, holding it against you for added warmth.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking it home."

"Don't take off your jacket, now you'll be cold. Here, take mine." Peter said, taking off his coat, and putting it around your shoulders.

"No. Now we'll both be cold. Just put it back on. I'll be fine."

"No. Fine, we'll both wear the coat."


Peter awkwardly maneuvered the coat so that it was partially around both of your shoulders, though that meant you had to walk pressed up against each other to keep it on.

By the time you got back to the tower, your faces were flushed red, and the warm air partially soothed the cold, and partially stung.

You two made it into the living room, shivering though still trying to keep the puppy warm.

"—you get some blankets, and I'll um...stay here." Peter said, giving another violent shiver. You nodded, and quickly walked towards the nearest supply closet where there were extra blankets, and hurried back to Peter, and set them down.

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