How Sherlock Characters Would React to You Being Deadnamed

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TW for the entire chapter: deadnaming
D/n= dead name
F/n= friend's name
Relationship to characters: romantic/partners

Additional warning: she/her pronouns used

Sherlock wasn't very happy about your relatives coming over, as it meant he would have to clean his experiments off the dining room table, and because he didn't exactly get along with them all. Nonetheless, he managed to keep his remarks to a minimum, and sit in his chair.

You made tea for everyone—including a disgruntled Sherlock—before you sat at the table with your relatives and caught up. Sherlock rarely joined in any conversation, but he enjoyed hearing about your past and piecing things together about people, so he simply listened.

Everything was going fine, until one of your family members brought up something from the past.

"Oh! Do you remember when d/n was in 6th grade and she—"

"Who?" Sherlock interrupted from the living room. He had seen you flinch at the name, and it was obvious to him what had happened.

"Oh, y/n's name used to be d/n." Your relative explained.

Sherlock frowned. "No."

They frowned back at him. "Yes."

"You may have called him that at one point, but his name has always been y/n, so do not call him otherwise."

"Call him what? D/n?" They taunted, purposefully trying to get a rise out of Sherlock.

Sherlock narrowed his eyes. "If you call him that again, you are to leave my flat."

They scoffed. "What are you going to do? Call the police? It's just a name, get over it."

"Oh, I could easily make you leave in an ambulance, but I'll settle on a police car for y/n's sake." Sherlock smiled widely at your relative, before quickly dropping it.

Your relative looked at him for a moment, before turning to you. "Is he joking?"

You shook your head. "No."

Your relative looked at him, then at you, then at him.

"You're crazy. Both of you." They chuckled.

Sherlock lunged from his seat, but didn't go very far before you raised your hand—signaling him to stop.

"It's okay." You said, quickly turning to look at Sherlock—you knew this would happen at some point. Sherlock stood still for a moment, before sitting down slowly, still glaring at your relative.

The rest of the reunion was tense, and one they did leave, you're sure it was sooner than they had expected.

Once you returned upstairs from escorting them out of the flat, Sherlock scoffed.

"Idiot can't even use a name."

You shook your head, and started cleaning up the table.

"Come here." You heard Sherlock's voice call from across the room.

You only shook your head, and kept cleaning.

"Yes, that's not important. Come here."

You sighed, and looked at Sherlock who was looking back at you expectantly.

You gave in, and walked over towards the sofa where he was laying down. Once you were closer, he held his hand out for you to take, and pulled you closer to him by the hand.

"All the way." He demanded, gently tugging at your arm for you to lay on him.

"I've been neglecting you?" You ask, laying on top of him, your face burrowing into his chest.

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