Family is Trouble ||Scott Lang||

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cw: body image issues, mentions of dysphoria, references to a past eating disorder (purging), depiction of thoughts linked to purging & a scene where a family member makes remarks about your body (as well as references to this happening in the past), relapse/near relapse.

Essentially, a big theme in this chapter is food and body image.

If any of this is potentially triggering, or you can't right now, please take care of yourself, you're doing so well :)


"I'm heading out. I'll see you when I get back!" You shouted to your boyfriend, who was sitting in the living room.

You quickly stepped through the threshold, and closed the door behind you.

You started walking quickly down the street—there wasn't any reason to drive, as where you were going was close enough, and it was nice enough to walk.


You heard from behind you. You ignored it, quickening your pace.

"Y/n! Wait!" You heard him yell, before you heard the sound of footsteps running behind you.

You turned to see Scot sprinting towards you frantically. You knew then that there was no getting out of this. You stood still, and waited for him to catch up.

"Wait—wait—" He panted, doubling over beside you. "Wait—wow you walk fast."

"I barely made it to the end of the block."

"Exactly," he breathed, "where are you going?" He asked, straightening his back, trying to make it seem like he had regained his breath.

"Oh, it's nothing. My aunt is just in town, and she wanted me to have lunch with her."

"Oh. Great, I'll come with you! I'm starving, I was just about to ask you to make me a sandwich."

You rolled your eyes, "you can make yourself a sandwich."

"Nah, I want to come with you."

"It's okay, it can be a bit boring," you chuckled, "we're just catching up."

"Come on, I'd love to meet your aunt. We don't even have to be boyfriends, I could just be some guy you pulled off the street."

You scoffed, "right, like that'll ever work."

"Hey, you never know."

"I don't intend on knowing."

Scott grinned at you. "So we're going to be boyfriends?"

"We are boyfriends."

"Yeah, but I front of your aunt."

You sighed, "yes, she's fine with it. At least that's what she said." You muttered the last part.

"Good." Scott said, taking your hand, and swinging it. "Where are we going again?"

"Left at the intersection. It's the café a couple blocks down."

Scott nodded, "I probably should've gotten a sandwich before."

"Probably." You agreed—the café wasn't exactly known for its food. But the coffee and the atmosphere made up for it.

He kept his fingers linked with yours the whole walk—you lived in a neighborhood where it was safe enough, and right now you were fine with it, despite not wanting him to come.

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