Sherlock [NSFW]

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Aftercare (what they're like after sex)

He has an aftercare routine that is very important to him—he always gets a washcloth for you after he's caught his breath to make sure you don't get an STI or anything. He also always gets you some water—he thinks that's very important, and always makes you drink something afterwards. And when he's the one receiving the aftercare, he wants you to do the same to him.

But he cuddles you regardless, he likes to either lay on your chest and nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, or wrap his arms around you from behind, and nuzzles against your back, between your shoulder blades. 

Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

His favorite body part of his is obviously his brain. It's the one body he feels he has some control over—it's his most efficient tool. You could change most things about his body, and he wouldn't mind as long as he was able to effectively get around in some way—but you could not take his brain from him.

Of yours? He'd also say your mind—he loves your mind—but he also loves your collarbones. He has a thing for collarbones in general—even if they aren't very defined or noticeable, he always kisses them. Even if you're not having sex, sometimes he'll just kiss your collarbone, or draw his finger along them.

Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

He usually likes to cum inside you, or in a condom. But he doesn't have much preference—he honestly doesn't focus on this part that much as long as you're comfortable and happy.

Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

He likes dressing up in traditionally "feminine" attire. Like fishnets, a skirt, lingire, etc.

Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)

He's experimented a bit when he was younger, but he never really had any attachment to it, or to the people he was with.

It was only a few people—but he never felt the need to pursue sex, or a relationship. He thought he just didn't find it as enjoyable as other people did—he's felt true attraction very few times, and only after a deep emotional connection with the person.

That being said, he is very perceptive, and is a quick learner, so experience isn't really a problem.

Favorite position (this goes without saying)

There isn't one position he prefers more than others, as he likes to switch and experiment—however, positions where he's able to see your expressions and reactions are ideal for him.

Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)

He usually has at least one sarcastic quip. He'll also touch/kiss you where he knows you're really sensitive or ticklish just to see you writhe under him.

Hair (do they like their hair being pulled?)

Yes—he is super weak for when you touch his head just in general.

Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)

He's all about intimacy—this actually surprised him a bit, but he finds that he quite enjoys being intimate and romantic with you. He doesn't find as much satisfaction in just fucking.

Jack off (masturbation headcanon)

He only feels like jacking off when you haven't been around in a while, and you won't be anytime soon. He'll usually do so in the shower, or to a picture of you, though he'll also sext or have phone sex with you.

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