Party ||Tony Stark x autistic reader||

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Reader is autistic & is sensory-avoidant.

Please keep in mind, to both my neurotypical and neurodivergent readers, that this is not meant to be a representation of all autistic people.

Cw: mentions of Tony pressuring you into going to the party, depiction of sensory overload caused by a party 

You had said no multiple times. 

Every time Tony had a party he invited you. And every time you said no. 

It wasn't that you thought you were better than everyone else. Or that you didn't want to spend time with Tony. 

It was because of this. 

You always ended up like this—lost in a sea of people. Everyone's faces were blurring together, and Tony was no where to be found. The person who invited you was not with you. Why isn't he with you? 

It hadn't been 5 minutes before you decided you couldn't handle being in the sea of people, and retreated to a corner. People bumping into you accidentally, or even stumbling and using you to steady themselves made your skin burn. Plus, the music wasn't helping anything—despite Tony making an effort to play music you like, you found yourself loathing every beat. 

You took a sip of what was in your cup—you thought it'd make you feel better because it was a drink you were used to having. But as you tried to swallow down your sensory overload, all it did was add more. 

You took a small sip, and quickly put the cup back down, and held your spare hand over it—you never trusted people at these kinds of parties. Especially when you couldn't see Tony. You hoped the little sips would be enough for you to find something comfortable, but it just ended up sticking to the back of your throat and mouth. 

You rocked yourself slightly, butting your back against the wall, and drummed your fingers against the cup. 

The motions couldn't do anything to sooth the chattering and buzzing in your ears, of hundreds of sounds—hundreds of people talking over each other, dozens of instruments mashing into each other to make a sick joke of a song. The lights Tony insisted on installing glared at you, and you knew that all it would take is one more person bumping into you to tip you over the edge. Not even bump, someone could graze you, and you knew that it would send you into a spiral of...of...of whatever it was. 

But you told Tony you would stay. You weren't sure how long you were supposed to stay for, but surely it was longer than this. Surely he meant longer than 5 minutes. Maybe it would get better—maybe you would get used it it. 

In the end, you didn't last 10. You ended up in your shared room with the lights off, and a weighted blanket wrapped around you. You tried soothing yourself as best you could, but you could still feel sensory overload creeping up on you. 

You heard Tony's voice calling your name somewhere down the hall, but you couldn't muster the energy to shout back. He knocked on the door before entering. 

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, standing in the doorway. 

You shook your head 'no'. 

Tony was silent for a few moments, before he stepped over the threshold, closing the door softly behind him. "Was it the party?" 

"I told you I didn't want to go." You replied, the irritation clear in your voice. 

"I'm sorry." 

"No your not!" You snapped. "I told you multiple times that I don't like parties." 

"Okay, okay. You're right, I just thought—I don't know, I thought if I was there it would be different." 

You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. "I barely even saw you Tony. But either way, I've just never been very good with you can tell." You offered him a weary smile as you lifted the blanket slightly. 

Tony gave you a small smile back. He approached the bed, and sat down next to you. 

 "I'm sorry I couldn't." You murmured. 

"Hey, no no. It's not your fault. I know I shouldn't have forced you to go." 

You nodded. 

"Can I hug you?" 

You shook your head no. 

"Okay. Forget the party, I'm going to stay here with you until you fell better." 

You nod. After a few minutes of silence, you lean over and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He hummed happily, and leaned into your embrace. 

"Can we watch something?" 

"Whatever you want." 

Various x Ftm ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now