John Watson [Fluff]

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Admiration/attractive =what do they find attractive/what do they adore about you?

He admires you when you're really sassy/sarcastic. Especially towards Sherlock.

Bond =how quickly did they bond with you/how quickly did they get a crush?

The two of you hit it off super quick—it only took a matter of months for you to consider yourself close friends. You were just drawn to each other.

He was drawn to you—but he thought it was just platonically, and he pushed any other thoughts aside. Or at least he tried to.

Cuddle =how do they like to cuddle & how frequently?

The two of you usually end up cuddling as you're falling asleep, or while watching a film on the sofa, but he's okay with cuddling you whenever you want to. He likes to hold you against his chest, regardless of if you're laying down, or sitting up.

Dysphoria =how do they respond to you being dysphoric?

Surprisingly, he is actually very good at noticing when you aren't feeling like yourself. Sherlock gives him so much sh*t for not being observant, but when it comes to you, he can tell something's wrong from ten miles off.

Though, to be fair, he usually finds you curled up in one of his jumpers, so he knows anyway (he always has at least one that's a size or so larger than what you normally wear so that you have something loose-fitting that's still his).

He wraps a blanket around you, before leaving to get you something to eat or drink that he knows you'll like.

Emotions =how do they express emotions around you?

He expresses his emotions around you the same way he does everyone else—he's outspoken and sarcastic, but he's also caring, and makes the two of you have communicated about things.

Fight =are they easy to forgive you? How are they fighting?

It depends on why you're fighting. He's pretty quick to forgive if it's something minor—and also quick to admit when he overreacted/caused the argument. If you started it, he'll try to talk it out with you afterwards so that it doesn't became an argument later.

If it's something major (like you hiding a big secret from him), he's slower to forgive. He feels like he can't trust you anymore (and he feels like you don't trust him, which also isn't a good feeling), so he'll need some time.

Oftentimes, he ends up shouting or yelling, so he'll come to you and apologize first. He feels really guilty about shouting at you, and he's trying to do it less.

But usually, he's stressed, and he can't really take it out on anyone, so it ends up coming out when he gets home, and your arguments start because you're defending yourself, and telling him not to snap at you. Which, again, means he apologizes first, because you don't really have anything to apologize for.

Gratitude =are they grateful in general/are they aware of you doing things for them?

He's very aware of you doing things for him, and he's very grateful. Every time you do something for him, he thanks you (even if he asked you to do it, of course).

Holding hands =how & when do they like holding hands?

Once he gets a little more used to the PDA aspect of your relationship (if you so choose), he's open to holding hands whenever you are. He likes taking your hand, and pulling you closer to him, he's just not used to being with a man in public.

Injury =how would they act if you got injured?

If it's something minor, he'll ask what you were doing, and warn you not to be clumsy next time, while he's patching you up, of course. He gets slightly upset when you get injured and don't tell him, even if you insist it's something minor, he'll want to fix you up.

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