Woah long time

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Hi, long time no see or talk ig. I didnt forget about this or any of you btw. My life has just been so hectic and stressful and all over the place that I kinda lost motivation and forgot about the things I  enjoyed.i havent writted or read anything in a while and that's crazy coz it used be a huge passion of mine.

I'm actually writing this to let everyone know that I actually am thinking about writing again but not really sure where to start. I've been away from it for so long that I have no clue where to begin. I have all these cool ideas for different things but I havent really been into the things I used to be in. Like fandoms etc. Buuuuuttt if you guys have any ideas or requests or just wanna talk about it I'd love it! If u do have a request I cant 100% guarantee that itll be up within days coz I just want a slow start to it. But feel free to comment!

I was actually thinking about starting a Cobra kai imagines book or a Hawk x Reader story but idk if anyone would like that. Yea my brain kinda drifted towards a tall angry white boy with dyed hair soooo. I mean if u guys want it I'll do it. Could be good I guess for a slow start up.

I was thinking about doing a little QnA thing in the comments of this update just for like if any of u had any questions? Would be cool ig. I will tell u tho it feels good writing to u all again, I missed u:(

Man just be venting to random people online lmao love that. Anyway yea that's what's going on atm. Would love the feedback or whatever!

Love u guys:)

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