Gravity PT3

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Ed's POV:





"Stay here Y/N" I whispered. She looked at me, practically shaking, I could see the hurt in her eyes. The hurt iv'e tried to make disappear. She's been through so much and if i wasn't here for her she'd be six feet under, broken and alone. That's why i'm not gonna let Jerome hurt her anymore, she deserves so much better.

"Okay..." She said, barely above a whisper. I saw the tears threatening to fall and I felt a wave of anger wash over me.

"Hey, hey Y/N everything is going to be okay,okay? i'm not gonna let him hurt you anymore understand?" I brushed the hair from her face and watched as she nodded, pulling me in for hug, which i gladly excepted.




Y/N stood up and pulled the jeans,she had on from earlier, on along with her vans, but kept my shirt on. I watched as she walked towards the window and opened it, just in case.

"Come on Eddie open the freaking door!" Jerome's voice sounded through the door and, consequently brought on a new wave of tears for Y/N. With a nod I opened the door, to see Jerome standing there with a scowl on his face.

"Hi!" *sigh* "The fuck you want Valeska?" I snapped, done with his shit.

"Where is she?"

"Not here"

"Bullshit" He sneered, barging pass me. I turned around, about to yell to Y/N when I saw she had already left, the window letting in the pooring down rain. "Where the fuck did she go Ed?"

"I don't know, but probably far away from you" With that Jerome landed a punch to my left cheek. I stumbled back, but quickly composed myself, swinging my right fist and letting it connect with his nose, with a sickening crunch. Jerome wailed in pain and i took the oppurtunity to pin him to the wall, he was in too much pain to fight back.

"Don't worry, she'll come back to me, she always does" He spat, blood splattering on my face as a smile plastered on his face.

" This is your problem Jerome you can't face your shit. You need to man up and stop running away from your problems like a child."


" You said you loved her......did that mean anything at all because I don't think it did you USED her."

"The fuck you mean I used her?"

"Cut the bullshit Jerome you know exactly what you did, she was your puppet. Then you just dropped her and now I'm the one picking up the broken pieces because of you" Jerome's face fell and his eyes darted away from mine but I didn't care, this bastard deserves everything he gets. " And I know people tell u all the time that u need to move on and stop loving her but the truth is ONCE YOU LOVE SOMONE YOU CAN NEVER TRULY STOP!"



"I never stopped loving her, she was the only thing keeping me going and for the first time in my life I truly felt love. She was my everything and seeing the pain i caused her, tonight, when she tried to kill herself, it made me realise what a fuck up I am. I fucked the best thing in my life up and I can't bare to lose her" Jerome's eyes started to water and for a split second I saw actual emotion. Shit...

"Then why did you leave?"

"I was scared, scared of the feelings and being hurt again. The way she made me feel was better than anything iv'e ever felt. So i ran, scared it was all going to fade away. Now i don't know what to do" A few tears fell down his face, this is the most real emotion he has ever shown and fuck i felt bad, but he hurt her more than he can ever imagine so i'm not letting up easy.

"Man up and get your shit together you've hurt her bad, really bad, you have no idea what you've done. One day I hope your sorry. Really sorry and can admit it... *Sigh* go find her Jerome..."

Jerome looked confused to say the least, but nonetheless, ripped from my grasp and jumped out the window.


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