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"Honestly Y/N you have a drinking problem"

"Don't we both?"

"That's not the point, you literally wake up and have like three shots before you even get dressed"

Like she had a point. You blew a raspberry at your best friend and placed the bottle Jack Daniels you had on the floor next to you.

"Yeah but I could stop any time I want"

"Lies" She said as she waltzed up to you and snatched the bottle away. In an instant you jumped from you seat and tried to snatch the bottle back. "See"

"Fineeeee" You whined, throwing your body back on the sofa and clicking the T.V on. Barbara moved your legs and sat down, taking a swig from the bottle herself. Pouting your lips in disappointment you gave her the puppy dog eyes.

"No don't you dare do that... Y/N stop right now" your puppy dog eyes intensified as you forced your eyes to water. "God you're so manipulative" She moaned, handing you the bottle and smacking your leg playfully. Giggling, you took a swig from the bottle and listened to the rain that was thundering down outside. Barbara took the remote and put on one of her favourite shows and began laughing at the characters in it.

For what seemed like hours you just laid there admiring her. The way her lips curled into that gorgeous smile, how her blonde hair bounced when she moved and god that laugh, it was enough to kill you. She was just perfect and you made the perfect partners in crime. She noticed you staring and smiled that beautiful smile.
"What?" She asked laughing a little.

You let out a breath you didn't know you was holding in and returned her smile.
"You know you're beautiful right?"
A large smile formed on her face as she quickly leant down and smashed her lips against yours. The kiss slowly became more heated as you sat up and effectively straddled her, angling your head to deepen the kiss. Her nails threaded through your hair and you held her face gently. You pulled away for air as heavy breathing filled the room.

"I've been waiting for that forever" She admitted, smiling wildly. Taking another swig of JD you laughed and pulled her back in for another very heated kiss.

Let's just say there was more than kissing that night ;)

Okay sorry this sucks but I'm sat in the bath drinking JD and the idea came to me so don't be mean 🤣 Anyway leave requests and like ideas for me pleasseee

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