Gif imagine #5

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(His face when you "snap")

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(His face when you "snap")

It had been a good year since Edward Nygma left the GCPD after being transported to Arkham Asylum for murder. Everyone thought he was weird and crazy because of his riddles but not me. I thought it was different, cute even. I would be lying if I didn't have a small crush on him.

We worked along side each other in the forensics department and often I felt my gaze wonder onto him and stare in a schoolgirl daydream. However, everything at the GCPD wasn't sunshine and rainbows, in fact the exact opposite. it wasn't even the bodies, the blood or the job in general, I always had a fascination with the criminal mind and examining corpses. I guess that's why I stood out to them, but the real problem was the officers. Ed and I both received endless amounts of torment for the passion of riddles we both shared. Sometimes even if we where just in the room. I guess that's why he snapped. After the 'Miss Kringle' incident I don't really blame him. He told me everything. Everything. Even his split personality. I spent whole days with him trying to comfort him when it would get too much, and he did the same for me, that's another thing we had in common. Split personalities.

He snapped though. He left , couldn't hold it in any longer, whereas me? I've always had a talent for keeping things to myself. The only person I ever completely trusted was Ed but he left me in the shit. The torment never stopped and I got twice as much now that he was gone. Jim tried to help but nothing really lasted forever. Did it?


Today was an especially slow day. Minimal bodies where being recovered and the ones that where, were just simple gunshot wounds. Sitting in my office, I started to loose concentration and drifted off into a daydream, the buzz of the outside world becoming incoherent. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to an hour. BANG. You jumped up heart beating furiously as your head snapped up to see an officer with slicked back black hair laughing hysterically at your reaction. You stared blankly at his pudgy face, used to this by now. "Oh you should have seen your face!" He shouted, still laughing. You felt a presence to your left and looked to see a camera and another officer with a built frame and an afro recording the whole thing. The anger bubbled inside of you and you choked back tears. "Do something" You snapped your head to the right and saw her. The 'other' you. The darker you. "Do something, honestly you can't keep tolerating this! If Ed can do it the you can! just let me take control!" You shook your head and didn't answer, although the offer was extremely tempting. The officers where laughing and joking about the whole thing and you sunk lower into your self loathing, choking back more tears.

You sat there taking it all in wanting to do nothing more than let her take control, but you just couldn't. "If I was in control I'd tie them to chair and carve pretty patterns into their soft skin and record it all just for the fun of it" she giggled happily. You couldn't help the smirk that crept onto your face.  The officer with the afro noticed your smile and decided to humiliate you more. " Awh is 'Y/N' thinking about her insane little riddle boy?" Your face turned a deep crimson and pure rage washed over you.

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