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Jeremiah x reader

I don’t intend to just let you leave Y/N; you’re not walking away from me.

You took a hesitant step back your hand bracing against the familiar wooden surface of Jeremiah’s desk.

All the wonderful memories of  watching him work, finding him passed out on top of piles of paperwork pen still in hand rushed before your eyes;  the laughs you shared as he insisted he had to continue his research or just one more paper before he succumbed to your begging eyes and gave in to your whim, letting you pull him away from his chair and onto the couch in the next room to spend the night wrapped in each other’s embrace or off to the kitchen to finally eat that meal that’s been sitting on the table for hours.  

Your sweet, sensitive compassionate red haired Miah was gone; Obliterated and swallowed whole, replaced by this monsterthat blocked your path.


Jeremiah took a pause his stone cold eyes peeking out at you as he took in the momentary silence pushing his dark shades back up the bridge of his nose.

“If you insist-“

He chuckled edging away from the door frame, the metal door sliding open with a click as he gestured out to the dimly lit hall that lead out into the maze of lengthy corridors and dead ends.


Your nails clawed at the underside of the desk, eyes flicking between the dark hall and his ghostly face.

His cracked bloody red lips broke into a faint smile as he observed you amused by your frightened form.

“You think I’m lying?”  He cackled.“My dear sweet Y/N when have I ever lied to you?” the deep lavender shades dropping just enough to reveal his pearly eyes that glared at you, his tone flattened  with just a hint of an edge as his dark brow raised in question.

“ Jer…” his nickname tumbled out of your mouth as you took a few brave steps toward the door, when he made no movements to stop your  escape as you paused to meet his gaze before bolting taking a quick look over your shoulder he stood in the threshold, steely eyes revealed fully, glowing in the dim lights watching your every move until you were out of site.

When Jeremiah asked you to move in with him, you were so uncertain of the bunker located deep within the woods on the outskirts of Gotham. He asked you to leave your life and everything you’d ever known behind, and it was only recently you found out why.

Jerome Valeska terrorized Gotham only a few short months ago, sending your beloved Jeremiah into a tizzy keeping the bunker on absolute lockdown; insisting he had to keep you safe, he couldn’t lose you; to what he wouldn’t say.

That night he locked himself in his study as you listened to the radio reporting on Jerome and his appointed Legion of Horribles as they wrecked havoc on the city.  

You were steaming that night, being on day 6 of lockdown, it was driving you crazy not even being able to step a single toe outside to feel the sun on your skin or the morning dew filled grass under your feet.  You were tired of him ignoring you, keeping you in the dark, you’d finally had enough.

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