Best Christmas

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Bruce x reader

Requested by: WeHaveAnAwesomeGod

A/N I don't have much expierence writing for Bruce but hope you like it!

Your eyes flew open as you bolted upright, a small gasp escaping your lips. You looked around , trying to calm your breathing, when a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. The bed dipped slightly as he turned you around to face him.

"Another nightmare?" He asked, concern lacing his words. You nodded, your breathing calming down as you relished in the warm and safe body of your boyfriend. The nightmares where a re-accurance and not at all friendly. Your ex boyfriend plagued your mind, the scars a brutal reminder of what one man was capable of. The dream always consisted of him, the way he treat you, the way he threw you at walls and beat you until you passed out from the pain. However, the dream always portrayed him as something else, something evil.

(The dream):
He grabbed my ankle as I tried to crawl away, a grip strong enough to cause bruises, and pulled me back towards him. I tried kicking backwards but I missed and fell onto the hard floor, earning a humoured cackle from the man I used to love. He flipped my body around and landed a hard punch to my left cheek, a sickening crack emitted into the air. Before he could land another one, you kicked him in his groin, as he fell to his hands and knees you tried pushing yourself away, but to no avail.

"You bitch" He growled, grabbing your sides and pinning you down, he ripped your clothes off of you and landed hit after hit onto your body, breaking bones you didn't even know you had. Letting out a cry of pain you looked around for anything you could get to, to help you. Then you spotted it. Laying beside your body was (exes name)'s gun, somehow it must have fallen out of his waistband during the chaos. Without thinking you reached for it and squeezed the trigger, loading a bullet into his skin. He looked down at you, a look of shock and hatred plastered on his face. Then  you always wake up, right after that
(End of dream)

But out of all that negativity and hatred came something, amazing, something that kept you going (apart from Bruce) something you felt you had to protect with everything in you, your beautiful little girl, Olive. You had become pregnant with Olive just before, well, before you had that accident with your ex, which was a miracle she didn't get hurt, but that's what she was, your miracle child.

Granted Olive wasn't the best behaved child but you loved her and Bruce had treated her like his own, which is what first drew you to Bruce. And eventually you fell, hard, for him, ending up having a little boy with him  and honestly you wouldn't want it any other way.

"The same one?" He whispered. Turning around, fully, you placed your hand on his chest and kissed his lips tenderly.

"Yeah, but in 4 hours it's christmas so I wanna try and get some more sleep before Olive and Jaxon wake us up" You giggled, pulling him down so you where laid in bed, his arms around your waist and your head in the crook of his neck.

"Okaaay... Do you think Santa came?" Bruce whispered, a huge smile on his face.

"If he did then you've got a bag of coal" You joked. Both of you laughed and you felt sleep overtake you, as a pair of warm lips pressed against your forhead.


"Mommy, Daddy! Wake up Santa came!" You opened your eyes to see Jaxon jumping up and down on your bed, giggling happily.

"Okay, Okay we're up!" Bruce exclaimed, sweeping him off his feet and walking out the room with him. Sighing happily, you pulled one of Bruce's oversised T-shirts on, along with a pair of blue skinny jeans and walked outside the room where you saw both of your kids and the love of your life sat on the floor impatiently, in front of a huge pile of presents.

"Can we open them now?" Olive whined, poking a small box.

"Go ahead!" You exclaimed happily, watching as everyone tore into their presents.


Everyone loved their presents, Bruce had gotten you a small ring, but it was encrusted with tiny diamonds in a zig-zag pattern, which you loved, Bruce got many drawings from the kids and a cup that read "My Dark Knight <3" off of you. The kids got lots and lots of gifts and they were both bursting with joy at what they recieved.

You all sat in front of an artificial fire, as  "Elf" was playing on the giant screen T.V. you had. Jaxon and Olive often shared giggles at the movie, while you and Bruce just cuddled, relishing every moment.

When Bruce left to go to the bathroom, you pulled the kids onto your lap and placed a warm blanket over you all as you watched the film.

10 minutes later, you started to wonder what was taking Bruce so long, but all your questions where answered, when he came waddling in with a rather big box that seemed to be... Barking?

Suddenly the top of the box flew off and out jumped a beautiful black Labrador puppy. Olive and Jaxon's faces lit up as they ran to the newest member of their family and showered it with love. You smiled brightly as you walked over to Bruce and pulled him into a passionate kiss.


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