Don't Tell

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Imagine: you are Penguin's daughter and after a big argument with him about him banning you from seeing your boyfriend (Jerome) Butch catches you in your sad little secret.....
WARNING~ sensitive themes you have been warned
Btw the girl in the pic is you and the pic of oswald is him when... Well you'll figure it out (i hope) 😂
"I warned you Y/N!" Oswald yelled "I said if i catch you killing ONE more innocent person with that red-headed freak i would stop you from seeing him!"

"Well in my defence i was bored..."
You giggled enthusiasticall. It wasn't hard to notice that Jerome was a bad influence. He corrupted your mind , the once innocent Y/N , daughter of Oswald Cobblepot AKA Penguin was now 'Y/N, Jerome Valeska's Pretty Little Psycho.' He gave you a whole new outlook on life and to be completley honest you loved it. It was better than being cooped up all day inside this bird cage of a home. (had to 😂)
Now you were practically free to do whatever you want , well you WERE free until your dad banned you from seeing your only source of happiness.

"See! this is what i mean! he has totally corrupted you! That boy is no good for you and will break your heart , if not kill you, the moment he becomes bored of you!" Your dad yells as he hobbles toward you with concern written on his face.

"That's not true!" You shrieked. Tears threatening your eyes. "Even if your right it's not for you to decide!"

You were on the verge of breaking down and crying right there. Why was he like this? Does he take pleasure in watching you cry? Penguin stood there watching your every move. He knew you were a litte crazy but this was a whole new level. He sighed and looked into your dark E/C eyes. He wanted to hug you and right then and tell you everything was okay, however he knew when you got like this to stay well away and give you your space otherwise brains might just decorate the wall..... And he really doesn't want to add another kill to your list.

"Of course i can decide!" Oswald continued calmer than before. "I am your father an-"

"WELL I WISH YOU WEREN'T I HATE YOU, I HATE THIS HOUSE,I HATE THE WAY YOUR SO CONTROLLING AND I HATE MY LIFE!!" You screamed. You had to let it out... It felt good and you didn't regret. Everyone was watching. All 7 of the maids and Butch. You liked Butch. He was always there for you when your dad was out working. You had so many fond memories of him.

He had been around you all your life so he was pretty much up to date on your little outbursts and arguments and knew how to treat you afterwards.However a full 17 years of "Training" couldn't prepare him for what your next action was.

You snatched the Revolver from Butch's holster and held it to your head. The now threating tears gushing down your face in black streaks from your mascara. Everyone froze in fear of your next move.

(All of the maids loved you, you never did anything wrong to them,But Tasha, OH how you HATED Tasha. You knew she had been stealing things and now was time to get your revenge)

Gasps and whispers could be heard from the group of maids huddled in the corner. Oswald's eyes widened and his body became stiff. He couldn't lose you. You were all he had.
"Y/N... Put.The.Gun.Down..." He pleaded. His raven black hair sticking to his forehead as beads of sweat trickled down.

"So daddy dearest? how much ammo you reckon it has?" You teased your equally as black hair draped over your shoulders as the purple ends curled at the bottom. You flicked your hair back revealing a manical grin plastered on your face. "Jerome would be proud" you thought.

You burst out into a fit of manical laughter causing everyone to shiver. Penguin's eyes were welling up. H couldn't take it.
"Princess.....Please...." He choked up.
You stared blankly at him your laughter now ceasing.

"No Daddy" you squealed happily. You looked inside the barrel and saw 5 bullets sitting there eager to be shot. You closed it again making a click and held it your head again.

"Umm.... If  may be so bold Y/N...." Butch lookes at me with a concerned face and after searching your face for a sign to continue you gave a little smile which he took as a sign "Your dad has a point...*coughs*... Look at you...I mean what happend to the little girl that ran to him everytime he came through the door?" He carried on, now with more confidence "The little girl that ,when she fell of her first bike cried and needed comfort from him? The teenager that had her first heart brake and who was there for you?"He pointed to your dad "Him Y/N!" "He has always been there for you and yeah you have had your disagreements and god knows he isn't the perfect dad" Penguin shot him a look of 'okay we get the point' but Butch still continues "But if i know anything about Oswald is that he tries his best and i know deep down in your heart you know this Y/N.... You know you just have to find the strenght to stop... Please..."

By this time the waterfall of tears had already began and Oswald was just looking at Butch with utter awe and respect. He knew you needed a talk like that , heck , HE needed that but you, you were in a worse state. Oswald noticed you shaking and the uncontrolable tsunami of tears that leeked from your eyes. It hurt him so much.

Butch walked up to you arm extended to take the gun. You lowered it from your temple and held it out to him. Just as he was about to take it you snatched it up and..


All the maids screamed,Oswald jumped and blood painted the wall....
It wasn't your blood....No
Everyone looked over to the corner were they saw Tasha slumped to the ground and all sorts of precious family heirlooms protruding from her pockets and inside of her dress.

"That's...for stealing... the necklace... my ...Grandmother... bought me" You breathed out inbetween sobs.
You threw the gun across the room where it landed on the floor,in the corner of one of the living rooms.
You took of flying up the mansion stairs sobbing silently to yourself as Penguin and Butch stare at each other dumbfoubded.

"Thanks.." Penguin mutterd under his breath, with Butch just barely being able to hear him.
"Sorry what was that boss?" He teased ,knowing damn well Oswald hates saying it..
"Don't make me kill you" He countered with a smirk


You had been sobbing, silently, upstairs for nearly 2 full hours.Butch and Penguin thought it was best to give you your space.

You couldn't handle it anymore.Everything was just so overwhemling.Your dad being so controlling,the bullies at school teasing you because of your pale skin and personality and your "forbidden love" with Jerome.

You was so depressed and didn't know how to handle it. So you did the only thing you knew how to do when you were upset. You picked yourself up from the warm covers of your bed and walked silently to the bathroom, you threw water on your face and looked into the mirror. 'God.They're right... You are ugly... How could Jerome even love you?' Here it goes again that stupid voice telling you that you were worthless... And the stupod thing is you believed it...
Tears started flowing down you face again but no noise came out. You reached into the corner of the shelf and moved a few soap bottles out the way and pulled out a blade...
You just looked at it,brought it to your already scarred arm and cut.
You did it again,and again,and again.
Over and over. The pain subsided and everyrhing was numb. Blood stained your arms and hands, as you looked into the mirror again and saw Butch staring at you wide eyed.

Apparently he had decided to come and talk to you and 'make sure you are okay'

You whipped around blood dripping onto the tiles below.Some part of you hoped it would be your dad there instead of Butch... But you knew that was too much to ask.
"Don't tell" You barely managed to croak out "please...Butch...Please don't" you sobbed. Tears dripping onto your arm making you hiss in pain.

"He doesn't have to"
So this was really different and i hope you enjoyed it xx
Let me know if you want a part 2!! and im sorry if there is any mistakes in it but im to lazy to check 😂
make sure to tell me what'cha think xxxxx
Hope you enjoyed byeee xx

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