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You were the light of his life and everyone knew it. They all knew you two to be the perfect couple. You were the only person that really knew him as Edward Nygma. When you two were together you never got annoyed by his constant riddles nor did you get tired of his overly mature personality. For a while you were hooked on him because you loved him and he was hooked on you because he needed you to survive.

He always swore that he was gonna go crazy without you but it happened anyway. A second version of himself, the other side of him was pestering, manifesting in reflections to talk to him and only him. You began to worry about him as his visions moved on from just in the mirror to standing with him. You had been planning on talking to him about it, then he almost cut you with a knife when he tried to get “the riddler” away from him. That same week you left him with a letter on the desk and your key to the apartment.

Ed, I’m sorry that you have to find out this way. But I need to leave for a while. I don’t know when I’ll be back or if I will but I was too scared to stay, scared of you. You need to get yourself some help Ed, for me. - Y/n

He didn’t take it too well, he couldn’t understand how you could leave him. It didn’t take him long to find your new address and for weeks he found himself keeping tabs on you, too afraid to actually contact you. He knew your entire schedule front to back, when you leave for work, go on your daily run, the days you read out on the porch. Just like clockwork he was there to watch you, trying to work up his plan to get you back to him. 

He found out where you started working the next day and sent a letter there for you with a flower. He didn’t dare leave who wrote it and watched that night as you walked into your home and read the letter on your bed. You knew it was from him deep down but didn’t want to really believe it. The way it was structured spelt Edward and all the wordings reminded you of him. 

The letters never stopped, getting more deep, more demanding each time. It had taken a steep fall from love to borderline obsession that wanted to pull you back to him. He got more bold as time drew on, he got closer to your home, to your work. 

He sent countless letters and flowers to you, still hinting that it was him. There is an entire wall of polaroid pictures of you hung up in his room, all the dates in red ink. 

One day he came up with a genius plan to win you back. Or rather he did. One day he found himself in your home, long after you’d left for work. He walked the entire space, looking at pictures, laying in your bed, taking in your scent. He waited for so long, watching for your car to pull up to the house, finally it did. 

His heart was going fast in his chest as he awaited for you to enter, hidden from sight. You were just the same as you were when he saw you, hours ago. Under your breath you hummed the lyrics to a song you hear no doubt in the car but he knew it to be your favourite song. 

You set your things down in the living room before flicking on the TV. Ed made his move in the form of creeping towards you as you sat on the couch, a white cloth in his hand. The plan ran through his mind over and over and not once did it scream how wrong this is. You freaked out when a hand came around and pressed the clothes to your mouth and nose, knocking you out soon enough. 

The next time you opened your eyes you were tied to a chair in your own basement. In front of you stood Ed, a smile on his face as he looks at you. “Y/n.” He says lovingly, tilting his head. “I’m so glad you’re awake. We have so much to talk about.”

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