Gif imagine #2

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You looked at him, just staring, not wanting to look away in fear of him leaving again

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You looked at him, just staring, not wanting to look away in fear of him leaving again.

"Jim..." you croaked, holding back the tears that threatened to fall. He looked hurt but nothing could compare to the pain you both felt. "Jim it's a shooting war! if you think I'm just going to stand by and watch you get killed the-" You where cut off by his lips crashing onto yours while tears flowed freely down your face. His arms snaked around your waist and he deepened the kiss a lump coming to his throat as he realised this could be last time he saw you. You pulled back for air trembling, holding onto him for dear life. He looked into your eyes a tear escaping as he pulled you close kissing your neck.

"I love you Y/N..." You look at him wide eyed a smile appearing on your face. "But-" Your smiled dropped and the tears returned.


"It's now or never.."

That's it. he turned around and left, leaving you here, alone...

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