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So this was a request from @WeHaveAnAwesomeGod , sorry this took a bit to get up but I hope you enjoy it!


Rain. That wasn't unusual in Gotham city but something about the way it pattered against the window of your shared apartment soothed you. It was like a friend when nobody else was, there at the hardest of times to calm your racing mind. Sometimes you would even take walks in heavy thunderstorms to drown your thoughts and problems. It was your escape. So sitting near the window listening to rain wasn't anything new, only this time you where holding a gun. You wasn't planning on doing anything, no, but just holding it brought memories of your past back. When you free, wondering the streets as one of Gotham's most wanted, with Jerome Valeska. You even met his twin Jeremiah. Well you say met but you really just got glimpse of him before you where brutally knocked out by Jim Gordon and dragged to the GCPD for 'Interrogation'.

That's how and Jim became close. He 'helped' you. However there's always that one side of you that craves the freedom and thrill being a criminal offers. That one rebellious spark that often bubbles to the surface, and while just holding a gun may not seem like much, it's just one of the few things that ties you to your old life.

The storm had became heavier as you traced your fingers delicately along the barrel of the gun. You opened it to see one bullet left in,spun it around and pushed it back until a clicking noise emitted. Now you had no idea where the bullet was. You where so sick of your boring life, there was no fun, no thrill, well time for a change. You took the gun and placed it to your temple. Smiling, the blood pumping through your veins, you pulled the trigger.


Nothing happened. Sighing, you cocked it back and placed it to your temple again and was about to pull the trigger when-

"Hey sorry I'm late bu-  What the hell!?" Jim barged through the door making you aim the gun at him and shooting the wall next to him. You eyes grew wide as you practically saw the anger seething out of him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He shouted, taking long strides to meet you at the window.

You jumped up with a small smile dancing across your lips. Finally some drama, you thought. "I was boooored" You said, dragging out the 'o' for effect.

"So you thought you would just shoot yourself in the freaking head?" He screamed, veins popping out on his head.

"Psshh it was just Russian roulette Jimbo calm down." You giggled. At this point he looked like he was going to burst.

"Y'know what? I should've never helped you. You're just a pathetic street rat that ran around with a crazed ginger maniac thinking that you where in love. I don't know what I was thinking when I said I loved you. You're a disgrace and a mistake." At these words, you felt your heart tear into two. Did he really mean that?

You walked up to him and punched him square in the nose. You watched him fall down a look of hurt and regret in his eyes, like a lost puppy, but it was too late now. You aimed the gun at his head crying silently. But you couldn't do it...

Without another word you ran out and into the storm, not even bothering to grab your jacket, you just need to get away from here, away from him.


You had been walking for about an hour and had no idea were you where. It was dark, cold and you were soaked from head to toe. It didn't bother you though, as long as you where away from Jim it didn't matter, nothing did. You turned left into an alleyway and proceeded to walk down it when you heard a menacing laugh from the shadows. You stopped dead in your tracks, You'd know that laugh anywhere.

"Jerome?" You called out hopefully.

"Think again Doll." You turned round but before you could see the man you were knocked unconscious.

As your eyes started to flutter open, you noticed you was in a small room with little light. You tried to stand but your hands and feet were bound to an old wooden chair. You hissed in pain as the handcuffs dug into your skin, causing a small amount of blood to pour from your wrists.

The small door opened and in walked non other than Jeremiah Valeska himself. You just glared at him.

"Now what do we have here?" He questioned rather calmly. You didn't answer, just smirked. "I think this will go down easier if you cooperate Doll" He smiled.

"Don't call me that..." You whispered, That was Jerome's name for you and it brought back too many memories.

"Why? Does it bring back memories you'd much rather forget?" It's like he was reading your mind...

"Jim will find you" You spat, annoyed with his tone. Jeremiah didn't look too impressed with Jim's name being mentioned and pulled out a dagger. You didn't flinch, or even make a face, This seemed to aggravate him more. Taking the knife to the skin on your upper arm, he applied pressure, drawing blood. He cut deep and as he dragged it vertically down your upper arm, you winced in pain.

"Now, 'Y/N' I like you... No I love you... ever since I saw you with Jerome you've had this hold on me and I cant figure out what it is, and I really don't want to hurt you but this is the only way I can get to Jim. So make it easier on us both and tell me where he is." His eyes bore into yours and you couldn't turn your gaze away.

"I don't know" You whispered. He sighed, bending down so his lips where grazing your ear, sending shivers through your whole body. 

"I really hoped it wouldn't come to this" He whipped round, grabbed a screwdriver and jammed it into your leg. You screamed in pain but recovered it by laughing uncontrollably.

"He will find you" You warned smiling evilly.

"Will he though?" Your face dropped and he yanked the screwdriver out of your leg causing you to grimace in pain again, "He doesn't understand you the way I do, you crave the thrill of being free, the danger it guarantees. The thrill of being on deaths door, having other's lives balance in your hands. You want to be set free, let out of the cage . And I can help you" he sat on your knee and undid the ties around your hands, then slid down and kept eye contact with you as he undid your ankles.

As soon as you were free you leaped up and kicked him in the face, running for the door you found it was locked. You heard is maniacal laughter echo through the room as he laid on the floor holding his stomach. You walked up to him and grabbed the knife from the floor, bending over him you grabbed him by the collar and held the knife to his throat.

"You claim your sane, but the truth is you're just as crazy as Jerome ever was, maybe insane" He stopped laughing and growled in an animalistic manner. Jumping, up he snatched the blade and held it to your throat.

"I am nothing like my brother, I am saner than anyone in this world has or will be" He growled out. You smiled and broke into laughter. He looked at  you quizzically, taken aback by your sudden outburst.

"I like you" You said bluntly. He smiled again and smashed his lips against yours. You didn't know what to do at first but you eventually kissed back. Maybe this was the start of a new life, or the continuation of an old one.


Hope you enjoyed!

Sorry about the ending being shit but If you want me to change it I can!

Anyway eel free to comment what you thought and if you have any requests feel free to ask.


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