It's Okay

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Requested by Ghostbusters30 Hope you like it xx
(sorry its late been a bit busy)
WARNINGS: light smut and fluff
Enjoy xx
Trudging into the apartment, Harvey’s feet dragged across the floor as he kicked the door shut and dropped his blazer on the floor. He gruffly rubbed his eyes and sighed before squinting toward the living room. A flickering light illuminated the walls dimly as he quietly padded toward the light. 

When he tip-toed through the doorframe, he was greeted by you, slouched on the couch watching the news mindlessly as you simultaneously flicked through your phone. 

“What the Hell are you still doing up?” He laughed as he popped the first few buttons of his white button-up undone and flopped down on the couch with his arms open across the back.

“Waiting for you.” Your giggle was tired as you looked over at him watching you with a soft smile playing on his lips. 

“Come here, baby.” He cooed as he patted the empty spot beside him.

“I really missed you today, Harvey.” You mumbled as you crawled over to him and nestled your face into the crook of his neck. Your arms tightened around his waist as you pulled your legs up off the couch and pulled them into you.

“I missed you too darling.” He spoke quietly, sensing your sad tone. One calloused hand stroked your head as the other wrapped around your bent legs and pulled you closer to him. “I always miss you.” He kissed the top of your head. “You want to tell me what happened?” He inquired softly.

“I just had a really stressful day-” Your voice cracked as you dug yourself deeper into his body “-and I-I don’t feel well.” Your eyes finally let go as you stated crying into him.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re okay.” He soothed, grunting as he lurched forward and stood up.

His arms wrapped around your body as he hoisted you up from the couch and hugged you into his warm, broad chest. You curled your fingers into little fists as you snuggled them into his unbuttoned collars and nuzzled your cheek into his shoulder. Your toes scrunched up as you retracted into yourself like a child as he carried you to bed. 

The short walk left you on the bed, on top of Harvey as you tried to bury yourself within him. His arms roped around you and knotted on your back as he hugged you tightly.

“Harvey?” You whispered, tapping his scruffy chin with your index finger.

“Yeah darlin’?” His asked, his eyes still closed.

“Can you tell me you love me?” You pleaded sheepishly.

His eyes opened wide now as he peered down at you curiously. Without a word, he rolled on top of you, sandwiching your body snugly between his warm body and the soft mattress.

“You doubt that?” He squinted down at you in the dark.

You remained silent.

“Never doubt that.” He spoke firmly. “I love you.” He reassured quietly, kissing you softly.

“I love you, Harvey.” You smiled sleepily as you leaned up and pecked his lips.

Your hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him down and closer to you. Fingers combed through his hair and thumbed it between soft finger pads. He pushed his tongue into your mouth with conviction and reassurance as his lips moved against yours, sloppy, needy, loving kisses pressed against your mouth as you smiled into his rough skin. 

“Call me next time.” He mumbled, trying to pull away, but you playfully bit on his bottom lip, keeping him from retracting fully. 

A chuckle rumbled through his chest as he kissed you firmly again. “Call. Me.” He muffled against your mouth.

“Okay, okay.” You giggled as you pulled your face back slightly, staring up at him.

“Do you feel any better?” 

“Much.” You giggled. “I always love when you come home.” You playfully moaned, rolling your hips upward into his own, trying to keep your bodies in full contact. 

“How did I get so lucky?” He mused as he pulled a smirk across his lips and his hips pushed yours down. 
Wooo i'm on fire tonight :P

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