Ew Therapy

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The inaudible chattering of the other inmates created a relaxing buzz in the atmosphere, as you sat in the rec room of Arkham Asylum. Most of the people here where crazy, hell even the guards had that tiny flare of insanity, but not you. All you did was kill some people and blow up Gotham's clock tower. That's it! Oh and you killed this drunken whore that found joy in torturing your best friend. What was her name again? Lyla that's it. Anyway you and Jerome travelled with the circus together so you've knows each other all your life. So you both definitely NOT crazy. Man...the thought of carving patterns into somebody's soft delicate skin would be so much fun right about now. watching the blood oozing out and-

"Hellooo? doll did ya' hear me?" Jerome teased while waving his hand in front of your face.

"Oh shit sorry J was just thinking I guess" You laughed. Looking up to meet his gaze you couldn't help the feeling that swelled up your chest. Yes, you liked him but you would never admit that to his face. I mean the way his fiery red hair was combed back and one strand fell over his forehead made you giggle and his captivating blue-green eyes bore into your soul entrapping you in his gaze, getting completely lost in them. But the most admirable thing you loved about him was his laugh. It drew you in like nothing else. The way his lips curl upwards and his perfect whit teeth show, the craziness captivated you and you loved it.

"Doll! You okay? You seem really out of it today" Jerome said with actual concern.

"Shiiit sorry! I guess it's just because I got therapy later on and I hate it" You groaned rolling your eyes.

"Ew therapy" You both broke into laughter which resulted in you resting your head on his shoulder. "Don't you have that cute doc? y'know with the blonde hair and blue eyes? uhh what's his name?"

"Dr Quinn?"

"Yeah that's it! The one you always talk about" He sent a wink your way but you swore you heard a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Yeah he's okay but he's no Jerome Valeska" You giggled sending him a wink. He looked at you with a mischievous smile and you got lost in his eyes...again.

"Awh doll you're too kind" You both broke into laughter again and you punched his arm playfully. He faked hurt and began laughing uncontrollably again while you smiled enjoying this moment and wishing it could last forever. "Anyway what was ya' thinking 'bout?". Your face burnt a crimson shade as you thought of a suitable answer.

"I...uh...well you see-"

" 'Y/N' 'Y/L/N'! please step forward for you weekly health assessment." Yes saved by the bell. You thought. Groaning you stood up and rolled your eyes.

"See you around ginger" You winked as you walked off, swaying your hips a little to catch his attention.

"Likewise doll face"


You entered the small office and laid down on the bed provided. The room wasn't big but it was cozy-ish. Well considering you spent most of your waking hours in a cell this was practically a suite. The therapist entered and a smile formed on your lips.

"So what's on the agender for today Doc?" You giggled, playing with your fingers. "We gonna talk about my issues? Parent life? Why I enjoy killing people? Or better yet, why I would love to see your body hanging from my ceiling bruised and battered?" You laughed hysterically while the therapist just shifted uncomfortably in his chair and swept back his blonde hair.

"No actually... we're gonna try and find out what drives you, what the root of your *cough* 'hobbies'" He smiled. This man had confidence... maybe you could use it to your advantage. You thought.

"Well okay Doc If you insist. Just go easy on me okay?" You giggled enthusiastically.

"Of course" He smiled sarcastically. "Start from the beginning"

Italics = Psychologist Bold = You

"Tell me Doc... have you ever had a really bad day?"

"And what do you mean by that?"

" You of all people should know! There's nothing so cruel as memory. The pointy bitey little thunderbolts. Unwanted party crashers, screamers through your synapses. Inescapable, unrelenting... not at all friendly. You can't even escape into madness! I mean I'm not mad but still..." Suddenly Jerome popped into your mind and you turned your head to smile at the psychologist beside you. "And then you meet somebody who changes your life And you feel that you don't even know who you are anymore! isn't it funny how one little encounter can cleave off little pieces of your past, deform your memories and persona until you rethink your whole identity- and as you realise how foolish it all is- your laughter reverberates off the walls of your own emptiness."

"Okaayy... carry on"

"I mean, do you realise what a vile world we live in? How lonely it is to wade through all the wretch and filth on your own?"

"It is kinda lonely isn't it?" Yes! your plan was working... maybe he could be useful.

"Of course! Obviously you understand! Even in a crowd of other screwballs, you're so alone that you can kick, claw, yell, scream at the top of your lungs and no one cares. It's like you don't even exist! I feel... sometimes I feel like I'm trapped on this path leading nowhere, into just emptiness... but now..."

"Now you feel like you've got somebody by your side, to share the journey with you." His hand slid to yours and played with your fingers. "And how does that make you feel?"

"I feel adrift-floating-like somebodies pulled a stopper on my reality and I'm sucked down the drain into something new. it's all very exciting really." You broke into a fit of giggles but quickly composed yourself. "You wouldn't know what that feels like I'm sure" He smiled sympathetically at you. Slowly but surely you where working on him.

"I might actually... Can you tell me more about how this person makes you feel?" You imagined all the good memories with Jerome and smiled.

"It's like meeting someone I can actually relate to, And believe me Doc I've never felt before! You understand . You're not someone who's afraid to let go-and fall. Free fall. And I didn't pack a chute!" You burst into giggles again. "Y'know what I mean?"

The psychiatrist laughed and pushed his hair back. "Yes, yes I do"

"I figured you would" His hand slipped to yours again and you couldn't help but feel like you where cheating on Jerome even though you weren't a thing... still. You held his hand and smiled at him.

"So may I ask... who is this person?" He said with a hopeful surprise. 'Would be a shame to crush his hope now' you thought. Snickering you carried on.

"Oh someone very special Doc" You teased smiling mischievously.

The bell rang and you made your way back to the common room to be met with Jerome smiling eagerly at you. You plopped down next to him and rested your head on his shoulder and held his hand. He looked taken aback by your action but accepted it non the less.

"Sooo how did therapy go?" He asked genuinely interested and excited.

"Oh y'know same old, same old" You sighed, smiling.

"Ew therapy" He laughed gripping your hand tighter.

"Indeed Ginger" You laughed along with him. Without warning Jerome leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You where surprised at first but butterflies filled your stomach and you gladly accepted. You cut the kiss short and walked back to your cell, swaying your hips, officially playing hard to get. His eyes followed you and he chuckled, smiling insanely. Today hasn't been a bad day really.


Part 2?

requests coming soon just been busy with life and stuff.

Anyway hope you enjoyed!!

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