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Jeremiah x reader

Images of his dead brother hunted Jeremiah's mind. Like a virus, the familiar laughter interrupted his thoughts, poisoning Jeremiah's system. He strayed aimlessly through the dark streets of Gotham, looking for a way to escape the voices. But every time he glimpsed at his shadow he swore it was Jerome's...
Jeremiah shook his head slightly to get rid of the illusion. He adjusted his glasses and took a closer look of his surroundings. There was a bar just down the street. Maybe some whisky would drown the voices. Without thinking twice, Jeremiah headed towards it to enter the bar.
Once inside, he stood by the entrance to get an overview.

The interior was actually nice. Nothing too fancy, but still classy with gold-red-striped walls and round wooden tables that matched the rustic styled counter. The bar itself gave comfort to any visitor by its huge alcohol collection - whisky, rum, gin, vodka and many other burning liquors were available. Three snooker tables offered some amusement as well.

A few people, maybe 10 or 13, filled the room. Their chitchats melted with the quiet background music and created a pleasant atmosphere.
Jeremiah took a deep breath to calm his nerves when his eyes caught a woman at the counter.

You were sitting with your back to the door, legs crossed and both bands cupping your glass. You gently swung the golden liquor before you took another sip, enjoying the warmth it caused inside your body.

You swirled a strand of hair around your finger when someone took a seat next to you.

"Good evening", the stranger greeted you and ordered a drink. You turned to your new companion and smiled politely. "Hello."

A quick smile appeared on Jeremiah's lips and he used the opportunity to let his eyes rush over your face. Gosh, your beauty was breathtaking.
"Nice glasses", you complimented him. The alcohol sure had loosen up your tongue, but you didn't mind it. However, your straightforwardness threw Jeremiah off track judging by his paralysed look.

"Oh... thanks", he just said and avoided further eye-contact.
Jeremiah felt like a fool - unable to have a proper conversation with a beautiful woman. He blamed his poor social skills on the years of isolation.

He wasn't used talking to people. Sure, he didn't lack confidence, he was aware of his great mind, but something about you made him turn into a little nervous boy.

He was afraid of saying the wrong words, because although he just knew you for a few seconds, he didn't want to lose you already.

Jeremiah heard your quiet cursing and raised his gaze. You were busy with your mobile phone, tipping violently on the screen.

"Problem?", he asked and you sighed, giving him an apologising smile. "I'm sorry, it's just... this bloody thing won't function. The screen is frozen."
Jeremiah reached out his hand. "May I have a look?" You knitted your eyebrows and stared at him. Was he trying to get his number on your phone?

Jeremiah noticed your skepticism.

"Uh, I might help... You see, I'm an engineer."

Your frown turned into a grin. "A good one?", you asked and Jeremiah copied your grin.

"A very good one." His voice revealed a hint of cockiness and you caught yourself liking it.
You handed him the device, but instead of letting go, you rested your hand on his.

"Y/N. Nice to meet you." Jeremiah looked down at your touching hands and his prior cockiness seemed to have vanished.

"J-Jeremiah. Pleased to meet you, Y/N." You had to suppress a giggle due to his sudden shyness, but you showed some mercy by pulling back your hand. Jeremiah captured your amused smile before he focused on your mobile phone.

It took him a few seconds to fix it, you were impressed as you held your now functioning phone in your hands. Everything went smoothly.

"How...?", you mumbled, eyes still glued on the screen.

"Oh, I just had to delete some unnecessary data that slowed down the processes. On the left side, there's a small hidden button to shut the phone down, it's there as a last resort", Jeremiah explained and took a first sip of his whisky. He would lie if he said that your awe-inspiring expression didn't massage his ego.
You raised your half empty glass, a sweet smile on your lips.

"Here's to you, to a very good engineer", you cheered with the red-haired man

Jeremiah nodded and let his nervous gaze wander through the room. Desperately thinking of words to say, it was you who broke the silence.

"So... what got you here?", you asked as you took another sip.
Jeremiah pursed his lips and hesitated. Though you found it cute, you'd also noticed his darkened expression.

"Family affair", he simply stated. Now it was your turn to nod. You decided not to push Jeremiah since it seemed like a sensitive topic, so you waited.

"What about you?", he asked after a few seconds. You huffed. "Well, I'm here because my wonderful boyfriend broke up with me through text." You finished your drink and raised a hand to order another.
Jeremiah's eyebrows were knitted when he looked at you. "Uhh, I'm sorry to hear that.... But why?"

Jeremiah's fingers fumbled with his glass.

"I mean... I don't understand. You're... beautiful and... and intelligent."

His honest compliment made you chuckle sheepishly. It was long ago since a man had said such sweet words to you. Too long.

"Well, I guess his colleague had got bigger tits than me", you joked, but you couldn't hide the scratch of hurt in your voice. "See, I'm not sad or anything. That asshole had cheated on me... So it's better that way."
Jeremiah watched you taking a bigger gulp.

"Even so... you ended up here", he spoke out the truth you knew, but didn't want to hear. The truth that this idiot made you feel like a piece of shit. The truth that, even though it was ridiculous, you felt insecure because of him. Weren't you good enough? After the break up, you decided to drown those self destructing thoughts with some alcohol. Who knew that you would meet a companion in misfortune here... Furthermore: a handsome one.

"Yeah, I'm here...", you mumbled as you raised your new and third drink, pointing to Jeremiah. "Here with you." The engineer felt his heart skip a beat at your words. His mind knew that this was just a little flirt, but his heart couldn't help hoping for more.
Again, Jeremiah was at a loss for words. He tried to control this strange sensation he felt, prickling that affected his whole body, spreading like a virus, replacing the long forgotten laughter.
And again, it was you who broke the silence and ended Jeremiah's trance.

"Maybe you can build the perfect boyfriend for me, Mr. Very-good-engineer", you giggled heartily and it made your face glow, in a way that Jeremiah adored.
He downed his whole drink and it got you by surprise, but you didn't say anything. Instead, you watched how Jeremiah loosened his purple tie, his face turning serious. Was he blushing? Or was the alcohol to blame for his flushed cheeks. Either way, Jeremiah got your attention when his green piercing gaze met yours.

"Maybe I don't need to." His innuendo left you speechless for a second. This man was not joking, his eyes told you that.

"Jeremiah...", you said. It was not a question nor the beginning of a sentence. You just listened to the sound of his name, coming out of your mouth. It was actually a nice name, a name you could get used to saying more often.

You raised your glass once more. "To a new beginning, Jeremiah."

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