Taste Like Apple

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You were walking around the circus with Jrome.The acts had just finished and you met at your usual place behind the tent.

"Hey doll! what took 'ya so long?"Jerome called concerned.(you loved his little pet names he had for you.It made you feel special)
"Dad" you replied sadly.Your dad was just about as abusive as Jerome's mum Lila Valeska.

By this time Jerome had made his way over to you and snaked his arms around your waist, and tilting your head upwards to meet his soft gaze,pulled you into a long and passionate kiss.It wasn't hungry and forceful,but soft and gentil like it said a thousand comforting words.
Jerome could do that to you and he knew it.

You both pulled away for air as you giggled saying "thanks J.I really needed that" he took your hand in his and the two of you strode to the centre where all of the stalls were.
"Anything for you princess, now how 'bout we get some sweets and go on the carousel? I know it's your favourite" He laughed.Damn.He knew everything about you and you couldn't say no to that face, anyway, it would take your mind of the stressful events of earlier today.

You Jerome spent the past 3 hours walking around and acting like idiots just to piss people off. You did this by shouting random things like "Your flyer's down!" or "Look at the sate of you!" and your personal favourite "Do you go everywere dressed like a slut, or is it just to impress the psychic?" (get it?)

"Ooooh Y/N!! how 'bout we get some those?" Jerome exclained excitedly, pointing to the different coloured liqourice that lay colour coded just in front of the stall you were currently standing at.
"Sure just let me pay for the-"
"Nope! cmon he can wait we NEED some of those before they run out!"
Just as you were about to hand the stall owner the money for your drinks,Jerome grabbed your hand practically dragging you to the liqourice stall, and barging the othere people out of the way.

Eventually you got to the front,giggling at how excited he was,and looked at Jerome.He looked back at you with his green/blue eyes gazing into your "E/C" eyes.You were just about to kiss when you bursted into hysterical laughter while Jerome's brow furrowed in confusion.
"What?!What?! is there something on my face?" He said trying to find the cause of your sudden outburst.
"Nothing J it doesn't matter just pick a flavour" You giggled diverting your gaze to the sweets in front of you.
"Umm okay? fine ill get Apple what about you "Y/N"?" The ginger asked with a smile on his face.
"Umm.... I'll have....Eh fuck it ill have Apple aswell" Jerome laughed at your choice but took the liqourice,practically throwing the money at the young girl who worked there and took off down the steep hill were you guys normally hang out.

You and Jerome sat there eating and chatting about how you hated your parents and how you would get revenge one day then all of a sudden
"OOOH!!" Jerome piped up,making you jump.
"FUCK JEROME! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME!" You screamed making him brake out into maniacal laughter.You joined in and in no time there was a chorus of laughter filling the night air.
"Wow "Y/N" sorry but....Hahahaha!""Oh my god that was funny!" He laughed even harder.

Once you both stopped laughing you noticed he only had one liqourice left and yours was long gone.
"Go on then" You said still laughing.
J: "What?"
You: "The thing that you was gonna say"
J: "What thing?"
You: "When you made me jump dipshit!"
J: "Oooohhh yeah! i had a great idea"
You: "Well what was it?"
You: "Gimme chance!" "Okay so there is only one left" He said while holding up the last cable of liqourice."So i was thinking we could Lady and the Tramp this bitch!" he said while looking at you humoursly.
"Okay why not?" you giggled,to his surprise.

You grabbed one end while Jerome grabbed the other and you began to eat each end until your lips met and ended up into a passionate kiss. The kiss must have carried on for a while because now it was almost completly dark out and you could hear the music dying down. Jerome pulled away for air and, to no surprise heard his mother calling him every name under the sun ,trying to look for him. He sighed helping you up, and as you made your way back up the hill you started laughing for no apparent reason again.
"What now?" Jerome asked amused
"You taste like apple"

Umm hi sorry it was really shitty i had no ideas and my insomnia is making it really hard to write because im constantly tired and upset but yeah....
Im trying so please stay with me xx
Oh and thank you soooo much for nearly 200 reads i love you all sooo much!!
Okay till next time xx


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