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You stood patiently outside the GCPD, with one hand behind your back and the other playing with your 'H/C' hair. The streets where desolate and abandoned with cars scattered around in the street and the only humans in sight where, armed police officers stood in front of you, the dim-witted followers that once belonged to Jerome behind you and your Partner in Crime, Jeremiah, stood calmly next to you.

He showed no emotion at all as he stood lifelessly, staring forwards, with his hands behind his back. You shifted on your feet impatiently, waiting for something to happen. You had already demanded to speak to Harvey Bullock but now you were playing the waiting game.

You sighed dramatically, earning the attention of a few officers, who raised their guns warily, making you giggle. "Calm down boys! Isn't a girl allowed to sigh? ...Jeez" You laughed. A few followers in the background could be heard snickering but Jeremiah shot you an annoyed look.

Rolling your eyes at his seriousness, you walked up to him and stood on your tiptoes, whispering in his ear: "I'm boreeedd can't I have some fun?" Shivers ran down his body as you stepped away smirking.

"All in due time 'Y/N'" He reassured, turning his head to look at you, a slight smile dancing on his lips. You bit your lip and giggled, earning confused looks from the officers in front of you. With your right hand, you pulled the sleeve of your flannel up, exposing your lower arms and smoothed your outfit out, finding anything to do while you waited.

 With your right hand, you pulled the sleeve of your flannel up, exposing your lower arms and smoothed your outfit out, finding anything to do while you waited

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Boredom did not agree with you, you got agitated fast, especially if you were just standing around. There was always that impulse to just slash someone's throat or punch the closest person in their face. Hey what could you say? Violence was your thing.

Without warning Harvey came running out, with a man in a suit behind him, and stopped just as he got to the stairs.

"What the hell?" He shouted in a panicked voice. He looked pretty shook up and I wouldn't blame him. For the short amount of time we've been around, we've caused so much chaos you wouldn't believe. In a matter of days we managed to take over Gotham and effectively over power every other criminal. Life was good.

Jeremiah cleared his throat and spoke in his eerily calm, yet soothing voice that sent shivers up your spine,

"You might not recognise Jerome's followers, as I've given them something of a makeover, but I assure you that they are as loyal to me than they ever were to him." You shot him a look and narrowed your eyes. He ignored you and carried on anyway. "More so, as I have accomplished something that my brother never could."

"Killing Jim Gordon" You finished while giggling enthusiastically.

"Jeremiah, Jeremiah" You rolled your eyes as a chorus of his so called 'followers' chanted his name twice. You say so called because if Jerome was to magically return from the grave they would skip right back over to him. You know this because Jerome was 10x more fun and quite frankly didn't give any shits. That's what you liked about him, you worked with him in the past and maybe did a few other things, but when he died...again... and his brother emerged you took the chance straight away. I mean you liked Jeremiah and everything but he needed to lighten up a bit.

Harvey cut you out of your daydream by pointing a gun at you both and screaming:

"You're a liar" You could hear the hurt in his voice but it only made you smile more. You turned your head towards Jeremiah who, again looked emotionless, as he brought his left hand from behind his back revealing a small switch.

"Not so fast" You giggled, shaking your finger tauntingly. "We have bombs planted around the city, just like the one that killed good old Jimbo!" You laughed again, getting excited and feeling the bloodlust pump through your veins.

More cops had appeared behind Harvey and they started to descend the steps, guns aimed at us. Harvey looked confused as the words left your lips and raised his gun higher.

"All you need to know is that, if I hit this detonator" He paused slightly gesturing to the silver switch in his hand, "Gotham will be blown back to the stone age." He concluded.

"If I pull this trigger, your brains will be blown through the back of your skull!" Harvey shouted in frustration, placing his pointer finger on the trigger.

You and Jeremiah walked a few steps forward, your heels clicking on the concrete, a smile plastering your face.

"Dead mans switch." You stated. "Maybe a little familiar? A little thing we stole from Jerome. You remember him right? Well I do" You said almost dreamily.

"Well let me refresh, You shoot me, my grip loosens,then..." Jeremiah trailed off. You walked forwards so you face to face with Harvey, noses practically brushing,

"Boom, Boom, Boom" You sneered excitedly, you winked at him before walking backwards and placing a hand on Jeremiah's shoulder, smiling sadistically. A smile almost identical to Jerome's.

"Oh you will do what I say" Jeremiah carried on, his tone deeper and more authoritive.

"You're more sick than your brother" Harvey remarked, loosening his grip on his gun, giving in to what he knows he can't beat.

"Hah don't compare me to that short sighted psychopath" He said almost cheerfully, but you could see the pent up anger at being compared to his brother practically steam off of him. "He just wanted to destroy things, while me? I'm a builder! I'm going to create a new Gotham in my image." You shot him another look of annoyance but decided to let him have his moment. After all it will be short lived.

"But every artist needs a blank canvas so... All this has to go!" You interjected gleefully, while gesturing to Gotham and giggling happily. The cops became uncomfortable and weary, you reminded them too much of Jerome and that's what scared them the most. The fact you might carry on his legacy or try to bring him back.

"Well I'm going to detonate the explosives in 6 hours and I want the city empty when I do" He said in a dreamlike daze while looking out at the buildings. The cops and Harvey alike, look dumbfounded and panic began to settle in their chest.

"You need us to evacuate Gotham in 6 hours? That's impossible!" Harvey shouted in disbelief. Jeremiah just stared at him knowingly, his face, at the same time, expressionless.

"Then anyone who dies screaming and watches their loved ones be crushed before them will have you to blame Harv!" You chirped with excitement as a smile lit up your face. Harvey didn't know what to say so he stood there, speechless, a sinking feeling in his chest.

"But nobody has to die" Jeremiah continued, emphasising the 'has'. "Well... except for these people." He gestured to you and from behind your back, you pulled out another detonator and held it firmly in your left hand, giggling maniacally. "I know seeing is believing and I DO want you to believe me...So" Jeremiah spoke intently while staring Harvey down, your smile grew as you anticipated the inevitable and the adrenaline pumped through your bloodstream.

You pressed the button and it made a beeping noise, suddenly the Gotham Clock Tower burst into flames and crumbled to the ground, almost effortlessly. You burst into, maniacal laughter as you watched it fall and take the lives of many innocent. Jeremiah's followers looked at each other and began questioning their loyalty and their eyes stayed glued to you.

"Oh My God!" Harvey screamed in despair, as he witnessed thousands of people being blown to their untimely demise. "Get officers on the street now!" He demanded in a blind rage. Jeremiah simply removed his glasses and stared at him, his face saying a thousand words.

"Six hours Detective" He said menacingly, turning around he continued, "The clock Is ticking". You walked next to him and he turned to face you. "Sorry 'Y/N'" You looked at him quizzically before feeling an immense pain in your head and your vision turning to black.

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