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Basically, after having a big fight with you, Edward overreacts. Which is putting it lightly.
Edward had accounted for everything, except you coming home early. “Oh dear, why are you going home? You aren’t suppose to be back right now.” Panic started to set in, he had to go get you before it went off. He’d just have to grab you now, instead of from your job later.

           You came home to a quiet apartment again. It was slow at the shop today so the manager sent you home. You dropped your keys on the counter, the place felt off. There was an odd smell before you could investigate there was a knock on the door. It was a steady knocking like there was some urgency behind it.

           You opened it and your boyfriend was standing there, well you weren’t sure if boyfriend was still the right word anymore. It had been two weeks since you had that argument and you told him that you both needed time to think about what you both wanted from the relationship. You hadn’t broken up but it felt like maybe it was over because he didn’t return your call last week. “Eddie.” You almost hugged him, but paused he had a frantic air about him.

            “Can we go somewhere and talk?” He blurted it out so quickly.

             “Um, okay, we can talk at the little cafe across the street.”

             “Actually, I got us reservations to that place you were always talking about.”  

             “Oh. The one overlook–” Edward cut you off.

            “Yes that one, but we have to hurry.”

             “I’m not dressed for–” cut off again.

             “You look great.” Edward tried not to glance at his watch, but he needed to get you out of here or you were both toast.

             “Let me get my keys.” You grabbed your keys, but something felt weird about the whole situation. Oh, what if… What if Eddie is proposing? That thought hadn’t crossed your mind. That has to be why he didn’t answer your calls, he’s been setting it up this whole time.

             Once you were on your way out of the building Edward felt a bit relieved but he kept guiding you towards his car down the block. Edward was relieved that you didn’t insist on changing, explaining the dead body on your bed would have been awkward, considering how similar she looked to you.

            He was squeezing your arm, “Ed you’re hurting my arm.”

            “Am I?” His grip loosened some, “Sorry.” He was walking so fast it was hard to keep up with him. He opened the passenger door and practically shoved you in the car. “We need to get out of here.”

            Something was off with Edward, maybe he wasn’t proposing. “Eddie? What’s going on?” He didn’t answer as he ran around to the other side of the car. You had a bad feeling, but couldn’t understand why. “Ed?”

            “We’re going to be caught up in it if we don’t hurry.”

             “Caught up in what?” Edward peeled away from the curb the instant the car started.  

            “I need you to understand that I am doing this for us.” As he said that the explosion he had been anticipating went off, “Wow, that was much louder than I anticipated.” Edward glanced over at you as you looked back towards where the chaos was happening. “Don’t worry, we’ll be long gone before the authorities arrive.”

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