Preferance #1~ His favorite thing about you

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Your desire to do whatever needs to be done to get the job done.Even if it means killing.Literally ANYTHING.

Your crazy good fighting skills. You don't jusy know how to fight, you were born to. Bruce was so impressed the first time you showed him,that he wanted you to teach him everything you knew.Including your amazing acrobatic skills and expierence with guns.

How much of a friend to Bruce you are. Your'e younger than Alfred so you can do more,however it doesn't stop him from trying to make moves on you 😉.

Your craziness, funniness, violent tendacies, total disregard for human life and especially your laugh.It's just as crazy as his and he loves to make you laugh, and never fails to do so, (considering you both have the same dark sense of humour.)He would do anything and i mean ANYTHING to hear it.

The fact that you can always answere any of his riddles. His search for his intelectual stimulant is now over. You honestly don't think his riddles are that hard,but he's told you of many instances of when no-one could answere.

He loves your body. Especially your arms. The feeling of having them wrapped around him made him relaxed and made him feel safe, like the whole world didn't matter and just that moment was the reason for him to go on living.

Hope you enjoyed it!!
It was different but im gonna start doing a bit more of these so any suggestions?
And thank you guys sooo much for 155 reads i actually love you guys so much ❤❤❤
However,im getting tired of calling you people 'Guys' i feel sexist y'know?
So can we do a vote?
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Or (my personal fave)
Thanks for reading love you all!! ❤❤❤

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