Who is she?

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Walking into the rec room you noticed tables full of criminals, crazies, weirdos. You scanned each table looking for a suitable place to sit when you saw it. Now bare in mind this is Arkham Asylum so you expected at least one notorious criminal to be trapped in here. But 3? You stared at the table where the three men were chattering amongst themselves. 

You couldn't believe what you where seeing. Each man where completely different in looks but were all very powerful. The whole of Gotham knew them. Starting for the table, you noticed some of the other crazies looking at you and shaking their head. You smiled confidently as you lifted yourself up and plopped down on the chair next to a small man with jet black hair. Oswald Cobblepot

They all looked at you as if you just deeply offended them with your presence, but you just smiled, containing your laughter.

"Hi boys!" You said enthusiastically. Again they just stared at you. "Pssh rude" You scoffed, looking at the tall one with dark brown hair. Edward Nygma.

"Do you have a death wish?" Oswald asked, clearly irritated with your presence.

"I don't know Pengy. Do I?" You laughed, beaming happily at him.

"Why you little-" He was about to hit you when a hand grabbed his arm and pushed him back.

"Now, now Ozzy is that any way to treat a lady?" You looked at the other man, he had bright ginger hair, pale skin, mesmerizing blue-green eyes and a scar circling his whole face. Jerome Valeska.  Now a man like Jerome would probably scare the shit out of normal people but this was Gotham after all and well, you were you, so this was a walk in the park.

"Lady? You must be thinking of someone else" You sassed back, Jerome burst into a fit of giggles and pretended to wipe away tears.

"Okay, I like you Doll face... what's 'ya name?" You remained silent and looked at Ed's face. He didn't seem so bothered by you, in fact he couldn't stop staring. Maybe it was the fact that the asylum had no clothes that would fit you so you were forced to wear a very oversized t-shirt with no pants. Of course you had underwear but still. "Hmm shy type huh? Okay well we'll start I'm J-" 

"I know who you guys are" You stated, rolling your eyes dramatically. Penguin snapped his head to you with a weird smile on his face, making you skin crawl. Also Jerome looked pissed that you interrupted him.

"Don't... interrupt me" He breathed out, a snarl forming on his face. You raised your hands in mock surrender, making his smile grow larger.

"Okay sorry boss" You giggled while sending him a wink. You looked to Ed who looked slightly jealous but decided not to think anything of it.

"Atta girl" He winked, sending electricity through your skin and causing goosebumps to rise on your pale skin. "Ahem... Hello Gorgeous I'm Jerome" He smirked, then motioned over to Ed who looked confused at first but quickly caught on.

"Edward... Nygma *cough* AKA The Riddler, mastermind, the brains of Gotham's underworld... You might have heard of me." He gloated, flashing a toothy smile and pretending to put a tombola hat back on his head.

"Wow your ego really is as big as your forehead isn't it Mr Nygma?" You sassed. Jerome and Oswald burst into laughter while Edward looked at you, his eyes slits.

"Wow... Doll... you... really... are... something... else!" Jerome said  in-between breaths of laughter.

"Oswald Cobblepot... pleasure to meet you" He purred smoothly, grabbing your hand and kissing it. You looked at the men and they stared intently back at you, Jerome still giggling at your remark with Ed.

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