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1 year

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1 year. That's how long you were dating him. Jerome Valeska. Everybody knew him and not all for good reason. The charming and charismatic ginger was your first everything. First love, first kiss and first... well y'know. He was your everything and you thought he cared about you the same way. No you knew he loved least that's what he told you...

You met him in Arkham Asylum. Being an inmate yourself it wasn't hard to talk to him or see him. You would walk into the common room and instantly every guys' eyes would be on you but you where pulled towards him. And only him. You could only guess it was like that for him aswell. No you knew it was like least that's what he told you...

Within 2 weeks of him leaving you for no reason he got with another girl. Rosa you think it was. But she will never love him as much as you loved him. You where his queen and nobody could take that away. Nobody.

You where close with the Sirens especially Cat so they let you perform a few gigs at their club considering you where still on the run and needed the cash. Tonight you was performing "Gravity" by Against The Current. Quite fitting for your situation at the minute.

You walked out in black jeans and a red plaid that showed a bit of cleavage and your hair down. The lights shone to you then back to the crowd. As you took in some familiar faces such as Ed, your best friend,Tabs and babs and some other faces your gaze landed on him. Jerome. He was here. Sat with her. Your heart started to beat faster and tears welled in the back of your eyes. He stared at you awe, and you had to admit you did look rather good tonight. You followed his gaze downwards and watched as he looked you up and down. He looked as good as the last time you saw him. All the memories came flooding back and you had the strongest urge to run of stage and break down. And you must have looked like shit because you got worried looks from Barbara and Tabitha. You looked to Ed for help and he followed your gaze and smiled and winked. The band started playing in the background then everything felt like it was closing in but you couldn't show him you still care. Taking a deep breath in you smiled at your ginger prince of crime and let everything out. It was your chance to shine for once.

Do you remember feeling invincible? When there was trouble it was us against the world.

As you sang the words your stared directly at him but he couldn't look you in the eye knowing how much pain he had caused you. With every word you became more confident smiling at him as you felt a weight being lifted of your shoulders.

We kept running, running through the night, chasing the sun and everything felt right. Can you save me now? I get lost up in the clouds. Can you save me now? You where my gravity.

As your voice got stronger and the chorus kicked in you raised a hand in the air and shot a wink at him smiling with confidence. Instead of flushing like you thought he would he smiled his adorable and mischievous grin. Caught off guard you carried on singing, occasionally looking his way to see him smiling, but he had some sort of glint in his eye that excited you but also worried you. Only he could do that to you and he knew it.

....You where my gravity. You left me out there with no one but myself in an open field for lightning to strike me down.

I was the moon, you was the sun I cant seem to shine now that you're gone...Can you save me now? I get lost up In the clouds, can you save me now? You was my gravity.

The lights started to flash and everyone was cheering but he was staring at you grinning. You looked at Ed and he was also smiling and winked at you happily. "This is really happening." You thought. The music started to slow and you began singing again. Time for the finale.

If I could do it again then I wouldn't change a thing 'coz It made me who I am and now I'm shattering... Can you save me now? When the ground drops out I get lost in the clouds. save me now you where my gravity... now my walls are shattering...

The stage went dark and applause erupted from the crowd as you snuck off stage and to the back. You walked towards a door that let you out and into an alley. It was early in the morning, as you made your way back to the apartment you where currently staying in the rain started to poor. You smiled enjoying the feel of the drops hitting your exposed skin on your arms. You always loved the rain.

Eventually you reached your door, after climbing up many flights of stairs, and unlocked it, upon walking in you where about to throw yourself on the sofa and binge watch cheesy horror movies to stop you from crying when a force hit you from the side and pushed you against the wall. You opened your eyes to see the familiar flames of a certain ginger's hair. Your eyes travelled down to his chiselled face and pink kissable lips.

"Jerome?" You breathed out, shocked he was even here.

"Hi doll" He smirked. Without another word he smashed his lips against yours and you gladly kissed back. He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom trailing kisses down your neck. You wish this moment could last forever. But it couldn't. Everything started to overwhelm you and you didn't know how to feel. All those months spent in a constant depression and even trying to commit suicide but someone was always there to stop you.. if it wasn't for Ed then you would've been dead long ago. All these feelings flooded over you like a fucking tsunami and your heart sank even further. You had dreamed about this for so long but now its happening you don't know how to feel. As he threw you on the bed it broke you out of your trance and tears started to pour down your face.

"No" You whispered. He looked at you quizzically and you pushed him off you crying and hyperventilating. Jerome looked at you with concern.. the same way he used to look at you. This cant be real...No its not real... at least that's what the voices say...

"I can't do this anymore" You cried as you pushed passed him and ran out the door. He looked after you his heart breaking.

Climbing the stairs you ran to the roof and broke down the door, tears still pouring down your face. Running to the edge, you looked down, these thoughts where too much... you needed an escape and this was the easiest way... the pain was too much and now there was nobody around to stop you...because Jerome didn't care did he? You was about to let the blissful darkness take you when...

"Y/N! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" You heard his smooth voice say... even above the sirens of the city you could single his voice out. You turned around and looked at him. He was hurting just as much as me. "Get down from there right now.. are you stupid?" You heard his voice crack and your heart tore into a million pieces. You HURT him. That was it.You saw GCPD cars rolling up at the bottom of the building and spotted Jim Gordon. You looked at him and smiled.

"You where my gravity" Then you jumped.


Heyy I'm not dead!!

hope you enjoyed was it a good comeback?

let me know if you want a part 2 :) 

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