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"Were a lot alike, you and I. Except you're boring. You're on the side of the angels."

Jim looked at you with frustration written all across his face. He was getting sick of chasing you, playing your games and figuring out your next move. It was exhausting and you always seemed to be ten steps ahead.

"Y/N it's over, I got you now please stop." He looked at you pleadingly as you sat at the edge of the tall building, listening to the sound of the city. Turning around, you looked directly into his eyes and smiled.

"This has been great, Jim. This little game of ours, but the fun is over  daddy's had enough now!~" You replied in a singsong voice. "Did ya like it tho? Did i nearly break you? Oh I bet I did!"

Jim remained silent. You had broke him, him and everyone he ever cared about. No other criminal in Gotham would dare threaten you and you had the whole city practically shaking. He knew you had won, but goddamn would he try and stop you.
"Oh, i'm so glad you chose a tall building to meet on Jim! It was kinda convenient really considering you're falling further into the depths of insanity~" You sang again, too happy with the whole ordeal.

"What do you mea-" Then it clicked.

Tall building



"Of course, the final piece to the puzzle. You want me to jump, kill myself..." Jim trailed off, stepping onto the edge and looking down.

"Great Detective Gordon, driven to the edge... has a nice ring to it right?" You giggled, joining him.

"I could still bring you in, prove you're guilty an-"

"Oh just kill yourself it's a lot less effort" You quipped, jumping down and leaning against a wall. "Besides if you don't jump then half of Gotham will!"

"Tetch... how did you get him to co-operate?" He asked, now officially nervous.

"It's amazing what a few empty promises and a knife can do to persuade people Jimbo!" You laughed, waving your hand submissively.

Jim's heart began to beat faster and he knew he had to make a descision. Let half of the city die or kill himself in order to be the hero Gotham needs.

"Tick, tock, tick, tock" You taunted, smiling widely.

"Shut up, just shut up!" He shouted, a million thoughts running through his head.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, falling is just like flying, except there's a more perminent destination" Jim's head whipped around and shot you a glare. Giggling, you raised your hands in mock surrender and walked closer.

"I'll do it."

Jim took a step off the building and began plumetting to his death. In the end it was all worth it, he saved half of Gotham and honestly, there wasn't any reason for him to go on. He lost everything to this manipulative sociopath.

His thoughts where interrupted by a harsh tug on his collar and before he knew it, he was back on the roof, looking up at the sky.

"SYKE! Did you really think I was gonna let you go? Damn you're dumber than i thought. Nope! You're just wayyy to fun to play with"

"But Gotham...the people..."

"Ugh, Jim you're SOO ordinary, I thought you was gonna be more fun! I'm disappointed, really I am" You sighed, crouching down beside him.

"You lied..."

"There we go! Do i have to spoon feed you?Anyway it's been fun and give the GCPD my regards!" He looked at you confused however, clued in immediately when you smashed a gun against his head, knocking him out cold.

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