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“FUCK!” Your scream wrecked your whole body as you shot forward in your bed, panting and crying. Your pillow was soaked, your hair damp and stuck to your face, a mixture of tears and sweat. Maybe it was your arms, or hers, you couldn’t tell whose arms were wrapped around you but they were tight. You shook terribly. A gasp for air broke your silence that turned into violent sobs as you curled up more into the covers you were trapped in and cried into it. That’s when you realized those arms were Barbara's.

“Hey… Hey.” Her voice was soft and it lulled you back into her arms. She had somehow managed to crawl up the bed without you feeling. She was sat with her back to the headboard and arms wrapped around you nice and tight. You were gently tugged into her embrace, her face cradled between your neck and shoulder. “I’m here… hey… I’m here.”

Her soft words brought you back. Ever so slowly your heart beat faltered and fell back to it’s normal pace. Nightmares weren’t usual, but they did happen. Barbara had never once left you to deal with them alone.

“I’m so sorry.” You blubbered as you cupped your face, hiding it from her eyes. Her angelic face glowed in the moonlight that trickled through the window.

“Did I ever say comforting you bothered me?” She whispered against your throat. A soft peppering of kisses that ran up to her soaked cheek. Her fingers now moved, brushing your damp hair from your face and neck, collecting it behind you.

“No.” Your voice was weak.

“And have I ever not said something when something bothered me?” She smiled playfully as she began to pull back and work your hair into a loose braid. You felt her hands take up a scrunchy from the bedside table and tie off your braid to keep it out of your face and off your neck.

“Never.” You choked a little at the pathetic little giggle that came from your lips.

“Then never apologize.” She grinned as she leaned forward once more. Her chest to your shoulder blades, she scooped you into her smooth arms and held you tightly. “I know you’re going to anyway, but you should know my answer will always be the same.”

You smiled and turned your head to look at her. She smiled at you sweetly before she pressed another soft kiss to your cheek. “Thank you.”

“Your welcome.” She murmured against your shoulder. Then with an affectionate nip on your skin, she rubbed your forearms with her hands. The soothing feeling of her hands rubbing designs into your forearms always brought you back down. You pulled the covers up for the both of you as you leaned against her.

“It was the arkham dream again.”

The two of you had met in Arkham. While Barbara was toying with others, the two of you were bunk mates and you got to know her much better than anyone pretended to know her. She may have put off this facade of a bad girl and heartless bitch, but the two of you spent a whole night just talking in the dark about your families. You were both in there for the murder of your parents, which lead to a mental snap.

However, you hadn’t meant to kill them. You were ordered too, by a cult group that broke into your home and got off on watching you beg not to do it. In the end, your parents died by stab wounds to the neck and that was the only way you could think of it ending quickly. You shortly went on a rampage after the cult members, leaving them diced up in alley ways and their heads left on their families doorsteps.

Not the healthiest therapy session, but you couldn’t think of anything else that would make you feel better.

Until Barbara.

She nodded solemnly and kissed your cheek again. “How bad was it?”

“A 10…. They had me tied down this time, I could see all their faces.” Your whole body shook.

“Hey… I’m right here… it wasn’t real, but I am.” She tightened her embrace for a moment before loosening her grip. You nodded slowly and curled up into her.

“I love you Babs.” You whispered against her warm skin. You caught her lips lightly, planting your love on her. You smiled weakly at the warm way her eyes twinkled down at you.

“I love you too… now come on, you need to go back to sleep and replace that nightmare.” She softly pushed you back down onto the pillows so she could curl up right next to you. Your eyes locked as she cupped one of your cheeks with one hand and took your free hand with the other.

“What am I replacing it with?” You giggled lightly.

“The day that I first said I love you… remember… you had just gotten out and you found me. You fed us those horrible take out chinese meals and we drank so much wine that we kept confessing dark secrets. Like how you wanted to forgive yourself, how I wanted to feel worthy of love, how you thought I couldn’t possibly be human because I was aphrodite… and how I loved you like I’d never loved anyone.” She grinned. You pushed forward and captured her lips.

“I love you… so much.” You murmured inbetween desperate kisses, pulling her in.

“I love you too.” She giggled inbetween your attack of smooches. “Now go to sleep silly.”

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