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Zsasz x reader

"Rise and shine lovely!“ she yelled as she poured a bucket of ice water over their hostages head. He screamed and his head snapped up as the liquid hit his face. (Y/n) couldn‘t help but to let out a laugh at his startled whines.

"What do you want?" he asked breathing heavy as he looked around. "I told you I don‘t know anything! Please! I have a wife and kids!" she rolled her eyes as she looked at Victor behind him. He shook his head disapprovingly and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Aww. Boohoo. How moving."

She leaned down to his level and grabbed his chin between two fingers.

"I know you did tell us that you don’t know. But oh dear, you are a terrible liar." she said with a chuckle and smacked him across his face.

"And unfortunately we don‘t believe you. Because we know, that you know something that we need to know. So spit. It. Out. Or otherwise I‘ll gut you from the inside out and enjoy every single one of your fucking pathetic screams while I do so." she said dangerously low and smirked as he held back a scared whine. "So, changed your opinion yet? Anything came to mind?"

He cleared his throat once, collecting courage before he spoke. "You‘re bluffing." The shiver in his voice got her chuckling. Victor leaned on his shoulders and bent down to his ear.

"She‘s not. Trust me on that. So you better start talking because patience is running low today. We have a tight schedule." She noticed how he twitched in fear and sucked in a breath. But still he remained silent.

Sighing she grabbed her knife and held it to his his hand. She positioned the knife at one of his fingers and raised an eyebrow.

"There‘s no need to loose a finger today. So if you want to keep them you better speak up." he pressed his lips together and after 15 seconds of complete silence she rammed it down and with a bit of strength and a lot of pain filled screams his finger was cut off. Lying on the floor beneath the chair.

She picked it up and held it before his face. "If you tell us what we want to know you can get to a hospital and it will be reattached with no problems at all. If you dont-" Victor paused and grinned. "You may have a lot of pain and only 9 left. You remain silent, no finger." the guy grunted in pain. "But I have to tell you, you have to decide a bit faster. It can‘t be reattached forever." he added and got up from his position.

"I don‘t know anything!" He cried out and let his head fall back.

"Wrong answer." She whispered and moved on to the next finger.

"No! No! No! Please no. I- I- What do you wanna know again?" He asked desperate and looked at the knife in horror. She grinned and let go of his tied up hand.

"We want to know everything you know about Fish Mooney and Oswald Cobblepot. What are they doing. What are they planning. And what is their next move." She demanded and got up from her crouching position.

"How would I know that?" She let out a laugh as she walked around the chair.

"You serious?" Her amused tone dropping as she leaned down to his ear.
"Aren‘t you one of mooneys lap dogs? I‘m sure she told you something. Considering she favors you." His jaw clenched as she ran her fingers over his cheek. "So, interested in sharing your knowledge?" He whined as she held her knife to his throat.

"M- Mooney plans on killing Falcone. Why and how I don‘t know. Cobblepot is as far as I know just her so called ‚Umbrella boy‘." She digged the kife a bit deeper into his throat. "B- B- But I heard he also works with Maroni and Falcone. Which I can’t garuantee. Just rumors on the street." He rambled down fast and sighed reliefed as the knife went back from his throat.

She got back up over to Victor who looked in thought.

"What do you think?" he looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. "Falcone had his suspicions about Fish. So I guess that one‘s true. I don‘t know how I feel about the thing with Cobblepot. We‘d have to talk to Falcone once we are there." She nodded and sighed.

"What about him?" he gave her a smirk, and she knew what that meant.

"Let‘s send a message." she shrugged and turned around again. "Unfortunately, today isn‘t your lucky day. But you‘ve been such great help. He‘s all yours." she said the last part to Victor, who had already pulled his gun and pulled the trigger as soon as the words left her mouth.

She held the finger up as Victor grabbed her waist. "I think I‘m keeping this. Get it to Falcone. As a little gift." she joked and he grinned at that.

"Maybe." His other hand came up to cup her cheek and pulled her closer. "You did great. Not gonna lie, I‘m gonna bring you more often with me." He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers after he finished his words. She smiled slightly and could feel the blush on her face as his fingers stroked her cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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