Back So Soon?

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WARNING: Pretty heavy smut....
Please dont read if you're 12 or under i dont want to be responisble for poisining your mind 😅

Anyway enjoy...


Sitting at the bar, you nursed your glass between your hands. It had only been a few weeks since you'd started working for the Penguin after many years of working beside him under Fish and the Iceberg Lounge was truly something to marvel at; you felt a swell of pride in your chest for the once lowly umbrella boy. For the first time in many years, you no longer felt used. Fish had passed you around various criminals for years in order to keep them happy and kept you complacent with sweet lies about how much you meant to her, these days you found yourself overseeing many of those same criminals in the name of Oswald. As you thought about the changes as of late while sipping at your cider, you spotted just the gentleman on your mind coming down from his office. The two of you locked eyes and you flashed him a smile, after brief words with some staff he made his way over to you.

A gentle smile graced his lips as he spoke to you, "back so soon? I would've thought that job would have stretched you at least an hour or two more!" He leant against the bar as he spoke, his eyes taking you in.

"So did I, but alas it seems he wasn't as tough as he tried convince us he was." You responded with a soft chuckle.

"Thank you ever so much, as always you do not disappoint." He beamed at you. "I have to hurry just now, people to talk to and deals to make - you know how it is - but will you be here tomorrow night?"

You simply nodded and smiled, and he rushed away with a hasty goodbye. These days it seemed he was always busy, with never a moment to talk to you. Not that you minded, of course, you understood what his new role asked of him and what it all meant to him, but you couldn't help missing his company. The two of you had always been close, working under Mooney you only really had each other as no-one else gave a shit about either of you beyond what they could use you for.

Over the years, you and he had come close to being more than just friends on a few occasions, but he had always backed out at the last second, as if afraid and you continue to wonder what could be as the two of you turn out to make quite a team. That and he continues to hint at stronger feelings, lingering touches and ever so subtle flirting kept you wanting more. It was almost cruel of him, you thought. Though you'd decided to lay those thoughts to rest for the night as you had a lot more jobs to plan out for next few weeks.

The next evening, fresh from a job, you made your way to the lounge. Blood still in your hair, you weaved your way through the crowd to the bar and took your usual seat, noting the group of men that moved as they saw you approach. The bartender placed a glass in front of you without you even needing to look at him. You loved working under Oswald, you thought as you sipped your drink and basked in the newfound fear and respect.


The Penguin sat at his desk, brow furrowed as he watched the CCTV of the lounge. You had arrived, and he felt his face flush. As always, you looked stunning and Oswald felt himself getting cold feet already. Cold feet for just talking to you, though he knew he couldn't just ask you to come and leave you sitting at the bar all night. He quickly drank a few glasses of wine to make it easier then called one of his men on the floor below to send you up. He stood up, straightened his jacket and waited as you made your way to his office.

You pushed open the door, immediately greeted with a hug. "It has been too long since we spoke properly, old friend!" Oswald exclaimed, grasping you by the shoulders.

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