Gif imagine #3

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"Hello Oswald" Ed smirked, stalking over to the now chained up Oswald Cobblepot

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"Hello Oswald" Ed smirked, stalking over to the now chained up Oswald Cobblepot. Ozzy tried to escape but was unsuccessful and sighed looking at him with a face of stone. Ed furrowed his brow and stared right back at him.

"Oh Ed poor, poor little Ed" Penguin laughed with a light smile on his face. "You'll pay for this" his demeanour changed and his eyes glazed over with a dark glint as he head-butted Ed making him yelp in pain, stumbling back as he brought out his gun and pointed it as Ozzy's head.

Ed looked at his old friend a wave of emotions washing over him, mostly anger. He touched the bridge of his nose to find blood staining his face. He growled with annoyance and shot Oswald in the leg making I'm scream in pain.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" Penguin screamed, looking down at his leg to see blood pouring down and pooling under him. Ed laughed manically waving the gun around.

"You really think I wouldn't find you? 'King Of Gotham'" Ed mocked still laughing.

"You really think I wouldn't be prepared? And besides you can't hurt me like I hurt you" Oswald spat staring straight at Ed, smirking. Instead of being hurt, like Oswald thought he would have been, Ed smiled, an evil smile, one that sends shivers down Oswald's back.

"Oh ho ho Oswald but I CAN hurt you!" He laughed. Oswald scoffed a mock grin on his face as you came walking out, his jaw dropped. You smiled trailing the bat you had across the floor, until you were inches apart from Oswald.

Ozzy felt tears burning in his eyes at the sight of you in front of him, on Ed's team. "Y/N..." He croaked out staring into your eyes trying not to let the waterfall of tears pour from his eyes. His Y/N was standing there with Ed of all people. "Y/N baby plea-"

"NO 'Ozzy' I've had it with you. Anyway you should have known this was coming at some point." You giggled, looking at Ed who just smiled.

"But it was going to be me and you Y/N.. we were going to rule Gotham. Together..."

"No Oswald YOU where going to rule Gotham. I was going to be a distraction to help with 'business trades'. Besides you where never around and I was alone the only time you wanted anything to do with me is when you wanted sex or to use me to get things from people." Ed walked up behind you snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you back kissing your neck. You smiled turning your head back towards your hostage. "And you know something Ozzy?"

"What?" He asked hopefully. His eyes lighting up slightly.

"I loved you Ozzy. But after everything, my self doubt and hatred subsided and I stopped hurting myself. Because I realised that I didn't need to hurt myself for the things YOU caused. I realised that it was YOU I needed to hurt."

Oswald's eyes darkened and he glared at Ed. "You saw a weak point and corrupted it with lies. A vulnerability and used it against me."

"No I made her stronger, showed her the truth and created something that will spread devastation and chaos throughout gotham."

You smiled and started laughing maniacally, earning a look from Oswald as he started shaking with rage. "I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS NIGMA!" Oswald shouted letting the river of tears fall down his face finally.

"Not if we kill you first" You giggled. Suddenly Ed turned you around, smashing his lips onto yours while grabbing your sides. You arms made his way up to his  neck as you snaked them round, holding him close. Oswald was screaming protests and trying to get free. As Ed pulled away you piped up and giggled walking over to Oswald with your fingers laced with Ed's.

"A nightmare for some, for others a saviour I come. My hands cold and bleak, its the warm hearts they seek" You smiled looking at him straight in the eye.

"Death....." He trailed off.

With that you grabbed your bat and smashed it against his head, leaving his limp body hanging there....

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