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Harvey Bullock x readerRequested by: zombiewriter01

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Harvey Bullock x reader
Requested by: zombiewriter01

Hope you like it!

(Set when Harvey is the Captain of the GCPD)


You sat at your desk in the GCPD, waiting for a case to pop up, but no such luck. The rain was hammering it down outside, so you tuned out and listened to the sound of it tapping agaisnt tje windows. There hadn't been any good cases in at least a week, so deciding to pass the time, you stood up and made your way the Captains Office to ask about anything interesting. As you made your way up the steps, you caught a glimpse of Harvey and Jim inside having a... drink.

Sighing you knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter.
"Come in" The gruff voice of Harvey called, making a small smile appear on your lips. You and Harvey had been dating for 8 months so you had gotten used to him drinking on the job.

Opening the door, you walked in and flashed a smile at Jim, who smiled brightly back. Standing up, Jim engulfed you into a warm hug and you returned it happily, laughing at this random burst of affection. When he pulled away, you smiled again and watched him sit down but his eyes never left you. Harvey, who was watching this, in his opinion, weird exchange, cleared his throat in a rather annoyed manner.

Your eyes darted towards your boyfriend, who had an annoyed expression, and you sat on the table facing him.

"Hi Harvey" You said happily, leaning down to give him a quick kiss. Before you could pull away, he placed a hand on your hip and made the kiss last a lot longer than necessary, making you slightly uncomfortable. Confused, you pull away and awkwardly rub your arm, glancing at Jim with an apologetic smile. The kiss wasn't like your other ones... it was filled with annoyance and there was a motive behind it, you just couldn't figure out what.

Harvey looked between you and Jim again and stood up, moving the bottle of whiskey from the table.
"So what do you want Y/N?" He asked coldly.

"Um... I was wondering if you had any interesting cases for me? I mean... if you don't... then it's okay..."  You trailed off not wanting to anger him anymore than he already was.

"No I don-"

"Yeah you can work this case with me if you like?" Jim interrupted, earning a glare from Harvey. You turned your attention from your boyfriend to your best friend and smiled brightly.

"Awesome! What is it?" You asked excitedly, jumping off the table amd facing Jim. Working with him meant it was going to be something big, hopefully the Professor Pyg case.

"Professor Pyg, I could use someone with your skill on this case with me" He smiled, standing up and passing you the case file. You eagerly jumped up and down on the spot and practically squealed with excitement.

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