Gravity PT2

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"You where my gravity" Then you jumped.

Suicide. The act of, or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. It never really occurred to you that you could be driven to such an extremity. That things would ever get so bad for you to even think about it, contemplate it, act it. Well that is, until tonight. Until you jumped off of your apartment building.

Now it wasn't exactly your fault. Rather you were driven to it. All the pent up emotions locked away, bottled up like it would all, somehow, blow over. The funny thing is, it never did. And the scars that littered your body, they served as painful reminders of the cruel things life threw your way.

This was a final fuck you from the world, like the universe wanted Jerome to be there with that slut, to tease you, to play you, to toy with your emotions, to break you completely. And as your feet left the ledge, a wave of relief and contentment washed over you. A smile crept onto your face as you anticipated the blissful thought of nothing. Death.

That was, until a hand grasped your wrist and prevented your downfall. As fast as it came, the smile disappeared and everything hit you like a ton of bricks. You couldn't have this one thing? This is what you wanted, more than anything in this whole world. You wanted the pain to stop. To end. You wanted everything to just go away and it wasn't fair.

You looked up to see a teary eyed Jerome looking down in shock. "No" You whispered, almost inaudibly. Without any words he hauled you up and pulled you into his pale arms. Both of you sat there, cradled in his arms, tears poring from your eyes. It took you a moment to figure out what was happening.

Looking up into Jerome's crystallized, blue-green eyes, your heart broke all over again, the pain bubbled to the surface and you pulled away in a frantic attempt to put as much distance between you both as possible.

He tried to hold you to his chest but you battled with everything in you to get away. Finally escaping, you ran to the fire escape and bumped into a firm chest. Without thinking you found comfort in the strangers embrace and opened your eyes to find a man clad in green. Ed.

"Sh, Sh" He whispered into your ear. "Everything is going to be okay Y/N. I'm here now." Your eyes fell shut and you drifted off into a trance like sleep.


You woke up in a different apartment, one that you recognised fairly well. You where in Ed's apartment. Looking down, you realised you were wearing one of Ed's dress shirts that was slightly oversized and draped just over your butt. The sleeves were rolled up to the crease in your elbow and your hair was slightly messy. Despite everything, you felt at ease in this familiar place and settled for watching horror movies and stuffing your face with whatever you could find in the cupboards.

A few hours passed by, that went rather quickly as you where binge watching the Saw series, and before long the door opened and feet could be heard shuffling about. You kept quiet and assumed it was Ed. You diverted your attention back to the screen, were this girl called Amanda was being thrown into a pit of needles. You couldn't help but giggle at the helplessness of her situation and just watching her thrash about created a feeling of excitement in your chest.


You looked up to see Ed looming over you with a genuine smile plastered on his face. Without speaking a word he moved around so he was sat next to you, and draped a hand around your shoulder and pulled you in so both of you where cuddled on the couch.

"feeling better?" He questioned carefully. You nodded solemnly, not wanting to talk about the incident from earlier that night as it was too fresh and it created a pit in your stomach just thinking about it. He took your silence as a hint and decided not to prod you much further. "If you want to talk I'm here" He reassured, rubbing your upper arm comfortingly.

You looked up into his big brown eyes and felt safe, like nothing could get to you. You could let your guard down around him and not be worried, it was your safe haven and you couldn't ask for anything less. You smiled and nuzzled into his chest, hiding yourself away from the world. From Jerome.

He seemed to notice, from the way you were acting, that you where in pain. He has been your best friend for 4 years so of course he can tell. It killed him to see you like this and you have both been through so much from him to just watch you give in. His heart was breaking from the mere sight of your littered arms and legs. "I want to destroy him" He seethed, his grip tightening on your arm. You looked up into his eyes again and one gaze seemed to say a million words. His grip loosened and he sighed, letting out a breath he didn't realise he was holding in. "Everything is going to be okay" He reassured, letting your head lay back onto his chest. "I promise"





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