Gif Imagine #1

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Imagine stabbing greenwood for "touching you"

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Imagine stabbing greenwood for "touching you"

"Hey girl" Greenwood sneered as he moved closer to you, his tongue licking his lips. You cringed and moved back cautiously.There wasn't much room in the Arkham rec-room but you could at least try and avoid contact with the obese cannibal. Anyway if anything did happen you have the knife you stole from the cafeteria.

You kept moving back as he followed suit stepping closer and closer to you. Suddenly you felt the cold and wet brick wall hit your back and felt hands pushing against your hips.Shivers crawled all over your body as you wriggled to get free."Be a good girl Y/N don't do anything you'll regret later" he chuckled clearly amused at your effort to escape.

His pudgy hands traveled down your legs and to your inner thighs.Thats were you draw the line.You stamp on his foot making most of the inmates stare as his yelp of pain made your head ring.He went to punch you but you caught his fist mid flight earning gasps from the others.

Suddenly, a ginger haired boy,that looked around your age,grabbed Greenwood by the back of his neck and swung him around. In that split second you slipped the knife from the slit in your dress and held it to Greenwood's neck. With his back facing you,you led him on top of a table and started giggling maniacally.

Everyone was staring at you and the guards,that only just noticed the ordeal,ran towards you with their guns aimed."Ah ah boys make one more move and this thing's-" you motioned to Greenwood,"blood will paint the walls," you giggled.

"Ooooh your bad" You hear a voice from behind you tease.You whipped your head around to see the ginger kid from earlier staring at you with lust filled eyes and a giant smile. 'God he's cute' the voice in your head said.
"Enjoying the show ginger?"You inquired smiling as big as he was.
"Sure am doll,in fact i find it...Hmmm wats the word? Oh thats it! Hot" He winked.You couldn't help but stare into is beautiful greeny-blue eyes.Time seemed to slow down as you stared at each other getting lost in each other's gaze.
"Well hang on ginger you ain't seen nothing yet" you laughed as you took the knife and plunged it into Greenwood's neck.The 'crowd' began to cheer as the kid (that was now in front of you) started laughing that insanely cute laugh od his.

The guards,however didn't find it amusing at all.Two of them ran forward and pried you off of the cannibal and grabbed your hands behind your back dragging you off to solitary confinement.

As you were about to be dragged through the gate, to your new room for a week, you kicked the guard in the shin and flipped over so you were behind him,grabbing his neck and twisting. A sickening Crack filled the air as he fell to the ground.Ginger staired at you with shock and desire.You took a bow laughing while everyone stared at you.Cheers and whispers could be heard coming from the inmates then, suddenly the harsh sting of metal hitting your head took over your senses and darkness....

Part 2? lemme know in the comments
Sorry its shit but hopefully if i get a new laptop for christmas the updates shall get better!!
Maniacs honour!
Hehe anyway stay crazy x


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