Who is she? PT2

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(So I know that Jerome is dead after falling off the building but for the purpose of this story we are going to pretend that Jim caught him and brought him back to Arkham... Jeremiah is still at large and still blew up the clock tower.)


It had been a whole month since Ash had caved the man's face in. For Jerome, Oswald and Ed the time without her had been especially boring. Even though they only met her once it was enough to impact their whole experience. Anyway today was supposed to be the day that she was released from solitary.

"Isn't she supposed to be released today?" Penguin asked. Ed shot him a look of annoyance and sighed dramatically.

"Yes Oswald, today is the day" He groaned.

"Awh Eddie you don't seem so pleased" Jerome laughed, pretending to be sad. It was needless to say that they had all missed you.

"Yeah well he doesn't shut up about her" Ed retorted with a hint of jealousy. Suddenly the door of the rec room opened and everyone looked towards it, and in you walked. All three of them smiled until you entered the light. Jerome's face was the first to drop, and he let out a low growl when he saw the condition you was in. Ed let out a low gasp and Oswald stared distastefully.

Your pale skin was littered with cuts and bruises and the oversized t-shirt you wore was cut in various places. Your lips were chapped and coated in dried blood, but your hair was unusually well kept. You walked in with a small smile and seemed completely unfazed by the all the eyes trained on you. Making your way to the table, you cautiously sat down opposite Edward and next to Jerome.

The chattering from the rec room continued and eyes often flickered to you, but you glared in response. The three of them took your appearance in from close up and Jerome let out another low growl. You locked your hands together and rested them on the table, letting out a small giggle you looked up and met the stone cold gaze of Penguin as he looked you up and down.

"What the hell happened in there?" Jerome asked breaking the silence. You didn't answer, You didn't know how. What would you even tell them? You cant just tell them you were tortured, there would be chaos. Well you didn't mind chaos but you was just too emotionally and physically drained. They looked at each other, each of their faces laced with concern. Jerome traced one of the bruises on your forearm, it was a dark purple and in the shape of a hand. He hardly knew you but he felt drawn to you and he felt the anger boiling inside of him.

"Ash?" Ed spoke up, you lifted your head to look at him and motioned for him to carry on. "Are you okay?" He said slowly and pronouncing every syllable.

"Don't. Fucking. Patronize me" You snarled, glaring at the man. You looked into his eyes and you saw genuine fear, you smiled darkly. You loved it when they were scared, practically begging for their life with just one gaze. You tended to have that effect though and you had no idea why. However, it gave you rush, a sense of control, it got your blood pumping and bloodlust started to rise rapidly. Letting out a small giggle you turned to Jerome with a large grin on your face. "So... how has this last month been without me boys?"

They looked at each other confused by your change of mood but decided not to say anything. "C'mon it's rude to leave a girl hanging" You laughed.

"Boring, honestly" Penguin piped up.

"Yeah Doll we've missed you! Glad your back!" Jerome smiled eagerly.  

"Well good coz I missed you guys too! Solitary was soooo boring!" You said dragging out the 'o' for emphasis. J looked at you and raised his eyebrow as if to contradict your statement. Smiling back at them, you stretched your arms up into the air until they made a clicking noise, making Ed cringe and Jerome laugh at his stupidity.

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