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Jeremiah x reader


“JEREMIAH! JEREMIAH!” I rolled my eyes at their constant chanting, watching as Jeremiah spoke with Harvey Bullock. I was positioned on one of the buildings with a sniper, my idea of course, so that I could shoot any cop who tried to attack. Jeremiah’s act, his whole façade, he was putting on for me and Jerome’s followers was growing tedious.

Whilst I wore white clown make up and followed Jerome, I was nothing like his other followers. Jerome’s followers were mindless apes who wanted to rebel, to do whatever they wanted and hide behind the excuse of being crazy. I, however, knew true crazy. I followed Jerome because he had a vision of turning Gotham insane, I loved that idea.


Flinching, being dragged away from my thoughts, I glanced to my left to see the clock tower crumble and collapse to the ground. That was my cue to leave, I was ordered to return to Jeremiah once the bomb went off. Standing up gracefully, I froze as I saw a young police officer make a move to charge at Jeremiah out of the corner of my eye. Raising my sniper, I steadied my aim and shot a bullet straight through his head causing the remaining officers (who hadn’t ran off to the bomb sight) to frantically search for the shooter. Jeremiah turned his head, staring straight at me with a smirk pulling at his blood red lips, his glowing eyes holding an evil glint. The way he watched me, stared at me, was unnerving. Not a lot had the capability to make me uneasy, except Jeremiah. Since the moment I met him, he was weird around me. He would give me more attention than the other followers, give me the greater jobs, over all favouring me. It was creepy to me, as I had never met him and yet he acted as if we had been friends for years.
Racing to leave, knowing that officers would now be rushing to my location, I started to run towards Jeremiah’s strong hold. It would be increasingly dangerous for me to go straight to
Jeremiah now, so I would have to meet him at our destination.
My annoyance has been slowly building ever since his reveal at the graveyard, as well as my paranoia. I trusted Jerome, I was prepared to do anything for him. When his twin brother showed up claiming to be able to outdo all of Jerome’s plans, I was extremely sceptical, I went along with him because I wished to be able to fulfil Jerome’s dreams for this city. I was starting to regret my decision however, as Jerome wanted to make the city crazy, not destroy it. The bombs that Jeremiah had us plant around the city lead my to believe that he doesn’t plan to leave the city standing once he has completed his plan.

Hearing voices, I sighed in relief at having finally arrived at the strong hold. Making my way into the building I froze, grabbing onto the wall as an explosion rang out, the floor trembling beneath me. Dashing down the stairs, seeing Jeremiah facing off against Oswald I realised that they must have broken in and tried to leverage him somehow. The bazooka he had stashed away falling from his grip, Jeremiah smirked as Oswald and his allies stepped out of their cover, a dust cloud forming in the rubble.

“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!” Penguin shouted, frantic in his movements as he glared at Jeremiah. Grabbing my sleek hand gun out of my jacket, I slowly made my way down the stairs. Staying in the shadows and out of sight, I waited until the right moment to help Jeremiah escape.

“Why do you keep insisting I’m insane? What’s insane about having a backup plan? Something Jongleur never knew about.” At his words, I raised my eyebrow confused before looking at the bloody body which was splattered on the ground as a result of the explosion, wincing as I realised it was Jongleur. I was never a massive fan of any of the followers, but Jongleur had my respect as he truly worshipped Jerome.

“And just so you know, this building is within the blast radius and because of your interference I’m gonna detonate the bombs as soon as I’m far enough away to observe the destruction in peace.” Jeremiah growled, wiping his jacket to get rid of any dirt, glaring menacingly at Penguin. My eyes widened, a small smirk forming on my face at how ruthless he was.

“NO! You promised this city six hours!” Barbra snapped, stepping forward furiously.

“And whose fault is it that I changed my mind?” He questioned sarcastically before turning to one of his followers, “Tell our men to rewire the bombs to work in direct sequence and the rest of you, kill these idiots.”
As he moved back, waving at a now horrified Oswald, I darted forwards and latched my hand onto his shoulder, pulling him up the stairs as he flinched slightly at my sudden presence. Feeling him jerk in my grip, I let go and gestured to leave, watching as his eyes light up in recognition as he saw me. Grinning at me, he grabbed my arm and we ran out the door. Once we were a good distance away, I spun around and pushed him against an alley wall, positioning my knife at his throat.

With incredibly fast reflexes, he grabbed my arm and spun us around until I was the one who was pinned, his superior strength keeping me in place as he pinned me with his hand at my throat.

“Now, Y/N, why would you do that?” He smirked, a knowing look in his eyes as if he had expected me to attack him.

“You’re a fraud. You don’t want to complete Jerome’s wishes and turn this city into a madhouse. You want to destroy it.” I chocked out as his grip on my neck grew tighter at his brothers name.

“I have a greater vision than that idiot ever could have. I’ll rebuild this city in my image. Why don’t you want that?” He hissed, his eyes boring holes into my head.

“I’m loyal to Jerome. You may as well kill me.” I leaned forward in his grasp, daring him.

“No. I don’t want to kill you, you’re far too interesting. You’re not like those bumbling fools. You are smart and I like that.” He smiled, his smile sinister and disturbing.
His words caused me to frown, conflicted. Nobody, not even Jerome, ever saw me as smart. Sure he thought I was useful but he never realised I was smart, he never cared.

“Oh I see. Jerome never told you did he?” Jeremiah stepped closer to me, loosening his hold slightly, we were inches apart as he stared down at me.

“He never told you that you were smart. You were just another one of his lackeys. His minions. I could offer you something more.” He whispered, grabbing my chin to make me look him in the eyes.

“Like what?” I finally spoke, half of me wished to stay loyal to Jerome but the other half was excited over his words of praise.

“Rebuild this city with me. In our image. We could be gods.” His words caused me further conflict as to what I wanted to do.

“Why? Why me?” I stuttered, hating how helpless I sounded. I was not weak, I was a killer, I was not weak.

“Jerome had his obsessions, his fantasies. You’re mine.” He smiled again, leaning in further to whisper in my ear, “You’re my obsession.”

“…Okay.” I muttered, the things he revealed swirling around my head as I tried to process all of it.

“Come one. We have work to do.” He let go of my throat causing me to suck in a deep breathe to regain the lost oxygen. Stepping back, he lifted his hand in my direction, waiting for me to take it. Hesitantly grabbing his outstretched hand, I let him pull me into him before I followed him to his base. I would follow him.

I wasn’t Jerome’s follower anymore, I was Jeremiah’s. He was the only one who actually saw me and I wasn’t going to let that go. 

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