Daddy's Detective~PT 2

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Jerome Valeska~~

You heaved a long sigh. Of course, something had to come up. This was Gotham, so you couldn’t have said you were surprised, but you were still disappointed. The brawl ceased when it was revealed that there was a cop around.

“Stay here,” Jim ordered sternly, and you merely nodded your head in response. He informed the police as well as Leslie to help patch up the performers before he started interrogating them right on stage, asking them all about what caused the fight but he didn’t seem to be getting anywhere judging by the frown stuck on his face. You didn’t like waiting because you knew this was going to take a while, and you wished that you could do something other than sit around. You finished your cotton candy and in the meantime you played with your phone with a lack of interest.

Finally when Jim came back to where you were seated, you knew exactly what he was going to say.

“Hey sorry, things headed south,” he said with a disappointed sigh, “this is going to take a while, I got something out of one of the performers and they told me to talk to someone named Lila, she’s a snake dancer, they said she’s probably in her trailer. Apparently she’s the reason why everyone started fighting. So I’ll get someone to take you home-”

“No, I don’t want to go home, I’m staying here, with you,” you told him solemnly, tone just as austere as his could be. You folded your arms across your chest like you always did when you weren’t going to accept the word ‘no’ for an answer.

“I really think you should, you’ll be safe back at home,” he assured.

“Safe back at home? This is Gotham, I’m not safe anywhere,” you replied matter-of-factly, “I’m tired of waiting around at home while you deal with all the action, let me on some of it,” you added.

He shook his head before he answered, knowing that he would practically have to drag you back home because of how unrelenting you could be, “Persistent as always, huh? Fine, just stay by my side at all times, okay? And don’t wander off.”

“You got it,” you chirped, unfolding your arms as you removed yourself from your seat. One of the performers led the way while you and Jim followed him to the trailer outside of the tent. The man knocked on the door to it before standing back with you two. Jim gave you a reassuring smile while you both waited. The door was opened by a ginger-haired boy, who already had a look of concern on his face.

“Hello?” he asked, his hand on the door as he turned to look at the cop and then back at you. You didn’t understand why exactly, but the second you made his gaze you felt your heart swell up followed by your eyes lighting up in interest before you turned away back to your dad to pretend like it was nothing. Thankfully, Jim didn’t seem to notice.

“GCPD. I’m here to speak with Lila,” Jim greeted, stone-faced and straight to the point.

“She’s not here. Why? Did something happen?” he questioned, sounding like he was on edge.

“There was a fight between the Graysons and Lloyds. Do you know where she is?” Jim asked.

“No, I don’t know, the last time I saw her was this morning, before I left to the library,” Jerome explained.

“Are you a relative of hers?” Jim inquired with a raise of his eyebrows as the ginger slipped his coat on with fumbling hands.

“I’m her son, Jerome,” he told your father, quickly adding, “I’ve been trying to look for her since I got home, but she hasn’t been around.”

The performer walked over to the ginger before he said, “Jerome, relax. This gentleman is here because Owen and Al had a disagreement on stage. Your mother is alright, probably just went for a spree, you know how she can be.”

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