Free Birds

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Oswald x reader
Enjoy xx

The Iceberg Lounge was alive with laughter and the clinking of drinks. You stood backstage, straightening your dress and softly humming. Awaiting your cue, you took another glance at the mirror. This was your first onstage performance in weeks, and you wanted it to go perfect. Your hair was curled and tame, your dress was black and blue, and you looked simply radiant.  

Nodding in satisfaction, you sneaked a quick peek at the audience from behind the curtain, looking for those blue eyes that had lured you here to begin with. Eyes that saw your potential, and your pain from the past. Eyes that saw a little bit of themselves in your own.

Those blue eyes belonged to one man.

One dangerous man.

Oswald Cobblepot.

Aka-The Penguin.

Once your (e/c) eyes met his, he smiled gently, and raised his drink in a small toast to you. Your cue. Your graceful form glided onto the stage, making everyone assume you were a pro. That you owned the stage. If only they knew how nervous you really were.

Placing your hand on the microphone, you met his eyes again, as you sang:

Clipped wings, I was a broken thing

Had a voice, had a voice but I could not sing

You would wind me down

I struggled on the ground, oh

So lost, the line had been crossed

Had a voice, had a voice but I could not talk

You held me down.

I struggle to fly now, oh…

As you crooned softly, his eyes widened, causing you to smile. He understood everything. You had chosen this song to tell the stories of you and him.

I’m not gon’ care if I sing off key

I find myself in my melodies

I sing for love, I sing for me

I shout it out like a bird set free…

Both of you were once broken birds. You were small, insignificant. People always pushed you down, with both words and hands, and it was hard to get back up again. But look where you two are now. No one thought he would be big in Gotham, but now he literally ruled it. And many said you wouldn’t ever be a singer, but now you’re onstage doing just that. And the audience loved you.

As you finished your song, your fellow broken bird positively beamed . His eyes met yours, and you knew right then and there, that The Penguin would make sure that neither of you would be broken again. You were free birds, now.

Yes i'm not dead, anyway im soooo sorry about not updating like iv'e wanted to for so long but my insomnia is just getting worse and iv'e started having more anxiety attacks but i am trying xx
The updates will be shitty until i (hopefully) get a laptop for Christmas but i'll try my hardest xx
Stay crazy xxxxxx


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