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2 months later

Makenzie Parks

June 2, 2023

"Cause I thought it was over, got me thinking my feelings over, you keep doing it over and over you keep calling me back." I sang as I folded my clothes putting them up.

I leaned down picking Makel toys up off the floor. This little boy. My music was interrupted with a message notification. I quickly put Makel toys away before checking my phone.


I paused my music and slipped on some shoes before walking out my bedroom. Bypassing my Dad room, I could see him and Melissa up eating what looked like pie. I simply looked away running down the steps and out the front door.

Sha stepped out the car opening the backseat unhooking Makel.

"Mommy!" Makel got out the car running towards me. I leaned down and picked him up pecking his tiny nose.

"Hi baby, you had fun?"

He nodded his head smiling and I laughed before pecking his face once again.

"Here." Sha handed me his bags.

"Bye daddy." Makel waved and Sha walked up pecking his forehead.

"Bye twin."

I turned around walking away completely ignoring Sha. We aren't speaking to each other right now and that's fine. We co parent and keep it at that.

I closed the door behind me and locked it. I carried Makel upstairs and put him down causing him to run to my Dad room. I walked into my bedroom and sat on the bed taking a deep breath. I rubbed my post four month pregnant belly and leaned back against my headboard.

"Three more days until I find out your gender." I smiled rubbing my stomach slowly. I was praying for a little girl, I've already got my boy so it would just make sense. But no matter what the gender is I'll be fine as long as I have a healthy baby. Makel was good and healthy too.

I pressed play on my music again and took a deep breath. Inhale...Exhale.

"Hey boo? How you feeling?" Camaro asked walking in my bedroom.

"I'm alright for the most part."

"You talked to Shamir?" Mari asked stretching across my bed.

"He had the baby for the weekend. But we still haven't sat down and had a full conversation after well you know." I sighed.

"Yeah, and it's gonna be okay, God got y'all. Plus I heard that Alexis and Sha been going through some trials and tribulations lately. Quez has been around them a lot lately and he say they really going through it right now. Not tryna be messy, but I mean he could have a lot going on."

"I understand that, but that doesn't give him the right to treat me like shit you know?"

About three weeks ago, Sha and I literally got into the most disrespectful argument ever. It was so bad to the point where I threatened child support and full custody of my son. Was even bout to go as far as changing his last name back to Parks. I didn't want no ties to this nigga name, it was that serious.

"True." Mari shrugged, "Well I love both of y'all and I know it's hard. But shit y'all gotta get it together. I mean it's not like y'all can ignore each other because y'all have Makel and one on the way. Hell the baby due in November so y'all need to be figuring shit out now."

"I'll figure it out, right now all I'm focused on is walking that stage in December."

"As my bestie should."

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