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Makenzie Parks

December 1, 2023
Mac Apartment

"Hey, how you feeling?"

Mac asked walking into the bedroom as I bottle fed Makeio. I shrugged my shoulders staring down at the baby. I twisted my lips aside holding back tears but my brother knew. He threw his arms around me pecking my forehead as my tears dropped. I'm so tired of crying at this point.

"It's okay."

"I know." I sniffled, "I'm just having a hard time trying to make myself feel better."

"Yeah...I came in here because I wanted to talk to you. You know I'm back with Imani and we serious this time and we wanna live together now. So—"

"I gotta find a place to go?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"No, I'm gonna move in with her. And I wanted you to have my place and make it your own. The babies can share the second room and you can refurnish everything if you'd like. Im not asking you to pay any bills, I got that covered. I just wanted to hear your opinion."

"I'm happy for you guys, but I haven't really been taking care of my kids alone. I've always had you around so I was able to get sleep and other things done. I obviously don't want you to go, especially since I feel more comfortable with you here. But I feel like it's selfish of me to keep you away from your girlfriend." I sniffled wiping my puffy nose and eyes.

"If you still need me I'm here—"

"No it's okay, I gotta learn anyways Machai. We can't live together forever."

"But if you don't want me to go—"

"Mac go stay with her, and you won't have to pay any bills I can take over. I promise you." I pulled the bottle from Makeio mouth and placed him on my shoulder for burping.

"Ima still help you with the bills, so don't even tell me nun bout that. Plus, I gotta go get on the corner in a few. Sha gon be there, you need me to relay a message or sum?"

"Nope, not a thing." I patted Makeio back staring at the television.

"Where's Makel?"

"Marquez came and got him yesterday. He should be home either tonight or tomorrow night."

"Okay cool, you gon be straight. Everybody get they heartbroken Kenz. Fuck Sha, you knew the type of nigga he was anyways. Cheer up twin, everything gon work itself out." Mac pecked my forehead and Keio's before leaving out the room.

I used my hand to wipe the tears that began to fall yet again. I held my baby near my heart pecking his face and hands. I honestly just wanna be with my babies today. They're the only peace I have in the world right now. It feel like my life is falling apart.

Camari Collins


"Well look who decided to come home." Quez spoke as soon as I walked through the front door. "Makel yo auntie been out ho'ing."

"Have not." I laughed walking up to him. "Hey my TeeTee baby. Aw you starting to look just like Dada. Hi papa."

Makel pulled back from me holding onto Quez tighter. Baby's be so funny acting. Like I just seen his lil ass the other day.

"Forget you, where Sha?" I asked and Q nodded towards the room.

I twisted the doorknob entering Shamir room. He was sitting at the edge of the bed tying his shoes. I ran and hopped in his arms hugging him but he didn't hug me back. I pulled away looking at him and he just stared at me. I got up furrowing my brows.

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