
225 18 13

Marquez Collins

April 10, 2024
Sha Apartment

I yawned snatching my room door open heading to the kitchen. The house was quiet, besides the tv in the living room blasting. I looked around seeing the front door cracked open as if someone had been in and out it. I shrugged grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge before Camari walked back into the house with boxes. We made eye contact and that's when I noticed her face was red and puffy.

"You good?" I questioned sitting my water down concerned.

"No." She shook her head, "Can you help me take my stuff back to mommy and daddy house?"

"What's going on?" I asked walking up to her taking a box from her hand.

"Sha broke up with me...he wants me gone by tonight."

"What?" I asked shocked. Wait, what the fuck happen that fast? I thought they had a romantic dinner and shit last night. "What happened why he break up with you?"

"It's a long story and I don't feel like talking about it. I'll tell you another time, okay?"

I nodded.

"Can you go get my belongings from his bedroom? I don't wanna face him right now. I'll get my other things from your bedroom." She sniffled before walking past me. I grabbed two more boxes before going into Sha room. He was laid in his bed scrolling on his phone.

"Wassam." I spoke causing Sha to nod at me. "You straight?"

"Mhm." He hummed never taking his eyes off his phone.

I kept it moving going to Mari side getting all of her belongings. Ew, so many thongs. I pushed my thoughts aside just throwing all her clothes into one box. Sha sat up in the bed and looked at me for a moment before getting out of it.

"You straight? You bout to go?" I asked and he just ignored me grabbing his car keys. He slipped on his slides and left right out the bedroom. I shrugged my shoulders before continuing to do what my sister had asked.

After a few seconds, Sha came back into the room and stood against the wall.

"Did y'all shoot Foo?"

I paused what I was doing, "What you mean?"

"Did y'all shoot him?"

I folded my arms across my chest, "Deonté did, but it was an accident. I tried to shoot him, but my gun jammed. I threw my gun to Dee and he caught it and it went off hitting him. He didn't mean to hurt him it just happened. I wanted to be the one who did it."

"You know what the fuck finna go down now? You made shit worse. We finna go blood for blood and you know how this shit gon end." Sha took a deep breath, I could see he was getting mad.

"Then we'll just have to go blood for blood. What's the issue?" I shrugged.

"The issue? I got two kids. Every time I'm out it feels like I'm being watched and I gotta look over my shoulder. Y'all doing that shit just made things harder for everybody! Not just me, but Kenzie, your folks, Dee folks and so on." Sha expressed coming closer to my face.

"Get back before I punch you." I stepped back, "It doesn't matter! They were already on our heads anyways what the fuck you expected to happen? If we didn't shoot first they were gonna do it!"

"Mhm bet. Go across the hall with your sister and start packing yo shit too. Both of y'all need to be gone by the time I come back and that's real." Sha spat causing me to bawl up my face.

"And if I don't be?"

"Be here when I get back and watch and see."

"Yeah aight, I wish you would. Don't come in here arguing with me cause you mad at my sister dawg. We two different people with two different mindsets. She gon cry and ima get down witcha' so."

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