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Makenzie Parks

February 1, 2024Dad House~~~

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February 1, 2024
Dad House

"Makeio what's the matter?" I asked holding the bottle to his mouth. He kept getting so fussy with me today and he never acts like this. "You wanna go be with Grandad?"

I asked getting up from my bed. I headed into my Dad room knocking on the door.

"Dad could you keep him for a while? I'm gonna go finish cleaning up that mess Makel made with that paint."

He nodded, "Sure, come on grandson."

I handed the baby over before heading downstairs. Makel was with his Uncle of course, so I probably wasn't gonna see him for a few days.

"I think this is washable." I mumbled picking up the white rug with red paint blotches. Why did Machai buy him paint? Your guess is just as good as mine.

I headed into the kitchen before skipping to the laundry room. I threw the rug in the washing machine before turning it on adding the powder and fragrances. I closed the door and headed back into the kitchen trying to figure out what to cook tonight. I missed being at my house, and I can't wait til I can go home to my own space again.

The doorbell rang and I stopped in my tracks. My lips twisted to the side before I happily walked over to the door. I unlocked the door cracking it open trying to see who it was.


"Open this fucking door bruh." I heard Shamir voice which sounded very agitated. Lol.

I opened it, "Oh, it's you."

"Yeah it's me." Sha pushed past me, "Why the fuck would you have me sent to jail? Not only that, but for fucking child support? You told me you didn't move forward with it anyways."

"I lied, I've been had the opportunity to tell you but don't worry. I see they let you out, but it's okay you'll be back after I tell them that you confessed to killing that innocent boy at the party." I leaned against the couch smirking.

"Man fuck that, you wrong as fuck. Out of all the shit you coulda did you sent me back to jail? JAIL! Do you think that place is a fucking joke?" Sha asked very pissed off.

"I know it's not one, that's why I'm sending you back where you belong. Oh, and seems like you better start looking for a job. Selling drugs is illegal in Memphis sweetie come on you know that. Plus it's a lot of money you owe me in back child support. Welp, you best start looking dear." I clasped my hands together smiling.

"You a fucking lowdown ass bitch. I tell you the truth and try to communicate with you but since you don't like what you hear you send me to jail. I would never do that shit to you!" Sha spat and I shrugged.

"You could never because I don't do illegal shit. It's no way I'll go to jail because my record is clean unlike yours. All those charges against you, Attempted murder, Homicide, Child Endangerment and so on so forth. I will have your ass put away for so many years you won't even have the word freedom in your fucking vocabulary." I dusted my hands off before sticking up my middle finger.

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