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Camari Collins

April 9, 20243:32am~~~

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April 9, 2024

I jump from my sleep hearing my phone ringing on high volume. Raising hands, I tiredly rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. I checked back on Shamir who was knocked out snoring so loud he probably couldn't even hear the phone. I lean over him grabbing my phone off the charger checking to see who could be calling at such a time.


I hesitate a moment before pressing answer. Slowly, I place the phone against my ear trying my hardest not to wake Sha.


"Mari please...h-help me!"

"What's wrong?" My heart instantly dropped at the panic in his voice. He wouldn't say anything he just breathed heavily into phone before letting out groans of agony. "Isaiah what's wrong?"

"He shot me!" He screamed as if he was in tears.

"Who shot you? Where are you?" I disruptively removed Sha embrace. I stood on my feet pacing back and forth trying to understand what could possibly be going on.

"Deonté! He shot me in the fucking chest and...and...I don't think I'm gonna make it."

I began to hear his sobs causing me to weaken in the knees. I fell against the bed a bit causing it to shift. I placed my hand against my head feeling my hands start to shake in fear.

"Listen to me you're gonna be fine." I shakily tried to keep my cool. "I'm gonna send help can you just try and send me your location?"

"I-I can't move. I used Siri for you."

"Why not just call the police yourself?"

"You know why...I just had to hear yo voice ma. I know we ain't-FUCK!"

He yelled in pain and I could feel my eyes weld up with tears.

"Come on keep fighting! Let me see what I can do—"

The phone hung itself up and I panicked dialing 9-1-1 right away.

"What's wrong?"

I heard from behind me but I was too worried about saving Foo right now. Once I got in contact with the police, I let them know everything I could. Since we're in two different states, all they could do was call and inform Memphis PD of what was going on. I couldn't think straight knowing that Foo was laid up somewhere on his death bed. All I wanted to do at the moment was know if he's okay or not.

I mean he still holds a special place in my heart.

"Yo, youn hear me talking?"

I looked back at Sha teary eyed, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Is everything okay? You obviously upset what's going on? Everything okay wit the fam?"

"Yeah um, but that was Foo. He called saying that he had been shot by Deonté...Sha what's going on?" I questioned as he looked at me crazily.

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