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Makenzie Parks

January 25, 2024Dad House~~~

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January 25, 2024
Dad House

"Hi handsome." I cooed at Makeio picking him up from his bouncer. He just mugged me like always, him and Makel were the complete opposite. Hey, this is Shamir child for sure.

"All clean mama!" Makel boasted as Sha walked in the room holding him wrapped in a towel.

"Good papa." I smiled, "How old are you turning in April?"

"Two!" He stuck up his fingers causing Sha and I to start laughing.

"Good job twin." Sha pecked his cheek.

It's been a couple weeks since the incident happened between Boola and I. I've been at my Dad place and I feel so protected here. I don't leave the house for anything anymore, Shamir and Machai have been at my beck and call. Not only that, but Shamir has been staying here with me at my Dads place. It feels like us being teenagers all over again besides the fact that we have two beautiful babies.

Sha hasn't left my side since after the funeral. I don't know if it's because he wants me protected, or the fact that he's tryna get away from Camari. Machai told me everything that went down and honestly I laughed. Not because I thought it was funny, but because of the simple fact that she threw it in his face. Welp, I guess she see how that turned out.

"Your son is so freaking angry." I joked showing him Makeio.

"He act like you."

"Boy bye, this little face and attitude screams Shamir. All y'all Miles boys crazy." I teased before laying Makeio back into his bouncer. "What you want me to cook for dinner tonight?"

"Whatever you feel, you know I'd eat anything." Sha shrugged oiling Makel body.

"Including me?" I winked.

He laughed, "Why not?"

It was all jokes though, Sha and I haven't had sex since we've been staying together. We've been more focused on raising our children and it's actually been more fun that way. I took Marissa advice and decided that we could just raise our kids and leave it at that. The fact that I see much of a difference in the way we talk to each other is awesome. No arguing, just straight vibes and I'm loving it.

"Are you still going home to get some clothes?"

"In a few."

"Okay no rush, was just gonna ask that you stop by the store and get some stuff for dinner." I sat back on the bed watching him put Makel shirt on. "He's been doing good when using the pot."

"Yeah, he ain't peed on hisself or none." Sha finished getting him together before he ran and hopped in my arms. "But I don't wanna wait too late, so ima head on home and to the store."


Camari Collins

Camari Collins

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