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Makenzie Parks

May 13, 2024Parents House~~~

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May 13, 2024
Parents House

"Why is he crying? What's the matter papa?"

I heard Marissa ask as I moisturized Makeio from head to toe. I was trying my hardest not to cry myself since I was frustrated. I woke up late this morning so I missed one of the daycare appointments and that started everything off. Then, I came to get the kids ready at my parents house but for some odd reason Makel was in a mood. Makeio is sitting quiet now, but just a few minutes ago he was acting just like his brother.

I honestly don't know what their issues are today, but this is literally the worst day to pull this. We have two daycares to attend and I need them on their best behavior. I've been checking my phone for the last past fifteen minutes waiting on Shamir to call so we could all ride together. He knows we have these appointments scheduled and he still hasn't made an effort to be here.

"Is he sick?"

"No, he's just angry that I won't let him write on the wall." I sighed grabbing the brush to brush Keio hair lightly. "Can you please help me dress him?"


Marissa grabbed Makel from the floor just for him to pull away. He's never acted out like this before, but he's growing up and his tantrums are starting out. I blame my Dad and Sha, they never tell him no and now he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Then once they're away and i discipline him he wants to act like this. I haven't spanked my kids and I refuse to even start that mess though.

"No!" Makel screamed at the top of his lungs pulling away from Marissa.

"Makel stop it right now!" I fussed stepping away from Keio to pick him up. "Look at me, do you wanna be in time out?"


"Then stop acting out."

He kicked and squirmed for me to put him down but I needed to get him dressed as well. Marissa began finishing up Makeio while I started to prepare Kel.

"Stop!" Makel whined kicking his pants off causing me to step back and take a deep breath. "Mommy!"

"Yes baby? What's the matter?" I asked picking him up. He wrapped his arms around my neck tightly and began sucking his thumb. "Can you put your clothes on for mama?"


"Okay." I gave up.

I honestly felt defeated at this moment. I wanted to bring the kids but obviously they weren't having it today. Maybe I could just bring Keio, Kel is just gonna have to stay home. I put him on the ground and he ran right out the room in nothing but that pull up.

"I'll just take Keio. You better hope your daddy don't make you come little boy!" I yelled out in the hall before sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Shamir is going too?"

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